do you think ,,,


do you think ,, aLLah swt will forgive me ??? for all i hv did ??? ,, what do you think ,, ??? ,,, . Many people ,, good people ,,, pray for me ,, for my goodness  ,, . I did also ,,, pry for my own goodness ,,, for this dunya and for the next life ,,, . Is it aLLah will grant those asks ,,, ??? will aLLah swt  ,,, ??? ,,, .

around me ,,, people try to find the good things behind the faith ,,, . Try to have good thought to aLLah swt ,,, that aLLah swt will replace with another good ones now or in the next life ,,, . i’ve been thinking ,,, IF NOT ??? what will you do ,, ???

Some times ,, i think ,, everything that we ( me and people around me ) raised to aLLah ,, is banned ,,, ??? ,,, . Lucky me ,, at the end of my thought ,,, i dont care with those thoughts ,,, i dont care with the result ,,, . I just want to ,,, glorify aLLah swt ,,, . Yah ,,, hopefully ,,, aLLah swt want to see me next ,,, insha aLLah ,,, aaamiinn ,,, 😐 ,,, .

but i do believe ,,, there is nothing coincidence in this world ,, there are nothing will not paid ,,, not at even in little things ,,, . And ,, i do believe in KarMa ,,, its action reaction in fisikah ,,, 🙂

karMa ,,, its a bitch ,,,


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