once ,, i hv chitchat with my colleagues ,, he asked ” have you ever in bad situation ,, and you pray to aLLah swt ,, somehow ,, aLLah swt answer/grant your ask immediately ??? ,,, ” , after thinking ,, i said ,, ” no ,, because ,, i think i dont have […]
Archive > Desember 2016
eve New Year ,,,
even though ,,, they said ,, we are not celebrating eve new year ,,, i just think ,,, how we could be a better person day by day ,,, . So ,,, i just want to post ,, look back ,,, smiling ,, brood ,,, and figuring out about next ,,, 🙂 2016, […]
Too much ,,, ???
Pun makan moloe dan dah mencapay 50 Kg ,,, d karenakan faktor U ,, tetep sajah kepayahan daiLy nya ,,, Tiap hari makan sambel ,,, sakitnya mpe ubun2 bikin merinding ,, kegiatan fisik aka jalan kaki yg sepertinya berlebihan sehingga akhr2 ini bersahabat dengan geliga ,,, . Plus ,, !!! Baru kmren gw ngerasa bibir […]
duniya dan akhirat ,,,
there is a time ,, when i walked to my balcony ,,, i saw ,,, the sky ,,, and i feel alive ,,, am sure i hv many times to live ,,, and my brain think so fast ,,, make plans for everything ,,, even scenario to become ,,, an evil ,,, . Somehow […]
do you think ,,,
do you think ,, aLLah swt will forgive me ??? for all i hv did ??? ,, what do you think ,, ??? ,,, . Many people ,, good people ,,, pray for me ,, for my goodness ,, . I did also ,,, pry for my own goodness ,,, for this dunya and […]
redup ,,,
mata itu redup yah ,, mata itu ,,, seperti setengah hidup ,,, seperti maksa untuk hidup ,,, entah mana yang hilang ,, entah mana yang salah ,,, but its meeeee ,, . Semangat hafikuw ,, luphyupuLL ,,, 🙂 ,,, . Btw ,, mpit mukenye cengo amad ,,, wkkwkwkwk ,,, .
best time tooo ,, aaanndd ,,
this is my best time ,, to000 ,,, . Tudeyzh ,, in the murning ,, when its already more that 3 m/o since the last time ,,, when i hv good nutrition ,,, when i have good slept ,, when am felt so happy ,, when i think less ,,, ,, ,,, ,,, ,,, […]
ternyata ,,,
Ternyata ,,, memang ada orang yg ber-taqdir begitu jahat ,,, yang ga akan sanggup d balas d dunia ini ,, yg akan bertanggung d akhirat kelak ,, masya aLLah ,,, #beruntung Tuhan tidak memilih qt menjadi orang jahat tersebut #pun jadi korban ,,, eaaaaaa ,,,,