Archive > Januari 2023

Akhirad ,,,

. duluw ,, akhirad ,,, kehidupan akhirat ituh ada di penghujung mata ,,, yg jawuh ,, tapi i know its there ,,, and i will get there later ,,, . sekarang ,, kehidupan akhirat beneran dah kek rasa ,, scheduled trip ,, dalam waktu dekat ,,, . Iyah ,, yg rasa ,, dh tw kapan […]

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Berusaha ,,,

. Jadiiiii ,,, sedikit demi sedikit ,, gw mule ,, meninggalkan riba dan perbankan riba ,, dan riba2an ,, #hallah ,, ehheheheheheh ,, . Dah dari taon lalo siikk ,,, xuman yaaa ,, bertahap lah ,, . Kek dh ngurangin CC ,,, menipizhkan transaksi di bank non syariah, all kezh kl bisa ,, wkkwkwkwk ,, […]

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Mengerti ,, ??

. Mungkin gw akhirnya mengerti cara pikir mereka ,,, bahwa ,,.my life ,, my ruh ,, is my own ,,,I hv full right for this ,,,even i want to die ,, its not because am depressed ,, but its my own choice for my own life ,, as a human ,,, is it i want […]

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to all of you ,,,

. I guarantee ,, !! No need to concern anything of me ,,,, even more you can forget me anytime ,,, . I am NO BODY ,, . am just a girl ,,, yatim piatu ,,, who try hard tobe survive ,, life survive mainly ,,, with my own issue ,,, day by day through […]

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happy from little things ,,,

. temen gw blg ,, gw ituh mudah di bahagiyakan dengan hal2 yg ketjiL ,,, . . Pun gw masih brfikir ,, happiness is a GIFT from aLLah swt ,,, but yezh, am eazy tobe happy ,,, . Besikelih ,,, gw bahagiyak ,, dari hari yg ,, :: perut tidak kelaparan, air bersih, dan baju […]

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(for me) ,,,

. (for me) ,,, life is so short ,, happines is a must ,, not an option ,,, .

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time offed ,,,

. tudey ,, dini hari inih ,,, gw kepikiran ajah ,, . Hal yg mmbuwt STRESS ituh kan WAKTU ,,, . But its VERY common ,, yekann ,, . Qt liad jam ,, terush di otak yg langsung kepikir LIST things toDO :: kudu A B C D ,,, terush setrezh sendiri dengan aktifitih ituh […]

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. duluw ,, gw ga mw tidur ,, karenaaa ,,, salah 1 nya ,, gw ga mw kehilangn xemangad idup gw pad hari ituh ,, . Karenaaa ,, ketika bangun ,, it will kind of different of me ,, eventhough it will become version of me again eventually ,, . yah ,, sometimes ,, i […]

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