gw ,, msh OT ,, msh bingung ,, msh in bitwin ,, what happen with my life ,, ??? . my life is so good ,, i hv a choice ! ,, i hv a very good life ,, . Masih ga abis pikir gw ,, masih ketakutan gw ,, masih OT gw ,, ,,,, . Jadi gimna ini ???
karena ,, mana ada idup sebaik inih ,, ??? jika kebaikan ituh di hadirkan di duniyak inih ,, bagaymana / dengan apa gw tukar surga ituh ??? ( #Pun hal ini more discussion tbd yezh ,, ). Apa ada istidraj ,, ?? apa ada yg salah dan ga sadar ?? tapi apa ???
not married (yet ?),
hey ,, even though almost full in my head that this is the best fait for until this moment ,, but still ,, in my thought ,, :: is it still any sin ??? is it aLLah SWT get angry to me ??? is it a sin with not to get married ??? how bout my worship’s pahala whereas it will double when you get married other than not ,, . Yah ,, those negative thoughts/worried some time still comes in ,, become my concern ,,, my dread ,, .
dan kerjaan,
yah ,, begitu mudah ,,, . Bayangpun ,, jg11 ,,, anak fruit xman 1 ,, kerjaan segampang ituh ,, dari awal mpe akhir / sekarang ,, kerjaan gitu2 ajah ,, dan ter handled ,, . di usiya segini ,, apa lagi yg di kejar ,,, ??? . Duluw ( after nsd ), mgkin gw cam kebakaran jenggot ,, kerjak se santuy inih ,,, skrg ?? its a bless ,, . Ya iya lah ,, enak banged kan compare dengan JG yg sama anak fruit banyak ,, gaji sama ,, laaaahhh ??? ,,, hehehehheheheh ,,,
but beyond all of these matters ,, i think ,,, eventually ,, its all about up and down in life ajah sik yezh ,, cycle of life ,,, .
agree tak ???
once again ,, its calm time ,, so you ( hafikuw ) can think clearly ,, make it good ,,, make it these time ,, for your improvement worship to aLLah swt ,, ,, ,,,,, insha allah amin ,,
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