Archive > Juni 2022

merasa sama ga ??

. kadang ,, klo lo melihat smuwa ketidakbenaran ( of course from sisi islam regulation ) ,, yg terjadi di duniyak inih ,, tanpa bisa lo cegah ,, karenaaa ,, it will be happen sooner or later ,, i just felt ,, this space / place its not belong to live anymore ,, ada yg […]

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xixxiixixix ,,,

. at leasstttt ,,, brhasil tanpa cc dan hidup sederhana mpe gajiyan kemaren ,,, jiyakakkakaakkk ,, . Merasa keren gtu gw ,,, xixiiixixi ,,, alhamdulillah ,,, . Dan mudah2an bisa terush begini ,, xiixixix ,, . ih ,, seseneng ituh akan keberhasilan ini ,, . Trush brjuwang mpe gajiyan bulan berikutnya ,,, smoga bisaaaa ,, […]

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full day workzh ,,,

. juneeee ,,, is full working days ,,, aka no public holiday ,,, nor with july ,, !! ,,, ekkekekekkek ,, . Thus ,,, already get almost full wfo ,, 4:1 ,,, . Thus lagi ,,, kl sore acetnya dh gada akhLaG ,,, jadilah ,, back to normal ,, hehehheheheh ,,, . trush gw dh […]

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Menuju SeNen lagi ,,,

.KuLi KorporeD ,, begini deh nasib kuli korporeD kl dh mggu sore/malam ,, apalagi pas next weeknya ,, jaman2 mtg ,,, xiixixixixi ,, . Jadi kl di aji tuh ke-pola ,, w1 mcc plus klosink ,, w2 persiapan data dan mtg level dept ,, w3 ituh penutupan mtg kadep2 ,, w4 ituh hiling otak #loh […]

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aLLah swt ,,

. once a moment ,, that i was sit on my bed ,, and i saw my hand writing on the wall ,,, ” allah ” ,,, and i smile ,, . It just felt like ,,, me separate with allah ,, and am just waiting to get to meet allah ,, . its a […]

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My status ,,,

. my status these days ,,, ::accommodate all emotions comes up ,, if they wanna go out ,, so lets out ,,,yeah ,, maybe this status waste my time ,, but i think this is my process ,,am solid and am strong ,, “hormones” can not defeat me ,,, .

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curcol kerjaan ,,,

. sumpih ,, semalezh2nya kerjak ,,, . apa yh ,, kek gada visi misi lagi wat kerjak di log tuh ,,, . transfer knowledge section ,, gaje ,, tp gw ngerti sik ,,, . Scm di kasih section ke orang yg 2 taon lagi pension ,, yg mana kerjaannya gw kemaren pas di scm tuh […]

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tipis tipis ,,

. #GI#20220601 kumpul tipis tipis yg tidak direncanakan ,,,tapi akhrnya tumven bisa kumpul banyakan ,, wkkwkwkwkdan dpt beritak tidak terduga dari k sultan ,,, ?

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WikeN thoughts ,,,

.well life ,,, i hv a very well good life ,,, alhamdulillah ,,, . Since that time i know i felt my life is very good ,,, i said to my self :: this is not life ,, . Even at that moment ,, i said :: in what way i hv to trade heaven […]

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