Archive > Juli 2018

Just ,,, honesty ,,,

. Posts ,,, picts ,, old one ,,, not deleted from miley ,,, . Becauuseeee its just part of me ,,, . Part of being fool, part of being loving ,,, part of being strong ,,, part of being everything ,,, . I dont need to hv any comment, sympathy, like, anything ,,, . No […]

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Grateful ,,

. Since yesterday murning ,,, i woke up after so much activities during this month ,,, indeed ,, am exhausted ,,, . And everything just like spinning around in my head ,,, and it stop when i remember mbak widha said ^ brsyukur jah tuh etan dh ga d sini ^ ,,, . Well ,,, […]

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Zabtoe, july 28 2018

. Tudeeeyyyyy semuwa task were done ,,, alhamdulillah ,, . And am ,,, grateful for my improvement in life ,,, alhamdulillah ,,, . It is small steps ,,, but am gratefull for little thing i realize in life ,,, . Teruuusshhhh ,,, besooookkkk ,,, lanjut menyelesaykan bbrap hal lagiiiii ,,, aka shoping !! ,,, xixixixixix […]

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Insome ,,,

. Well ,,, turn off the light ,,, heap my ear with pillow ,,, and try to sleep ,,, . Then i relize ,,, why i should do this ??? ,, . How much i try to sleep ,,, it can not ,,, . So ,,, semana semuwa fikir dan badan gw ajah lah yezh […]

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Lucu ituuu ,,

. Lucu ituuuu ketika mantan bozh gw wasap ketemu psikopat ,,, yg dh tobat mgkin ,,, . Well ,, not my business at all ,,, . Ingin hati mendoakan beliyaw senang serta merta menjemput jahanam ,,, . Ahhh ,,, tp sypa lah guwe ,, . Pun gw sangat punya hak prerogatif untuk ituh ,,, . […]

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Campur aduk ,,,

. Sedih ,, bahagiyak ,, sakit kepalak ,, are jadi satu ,,, . Xixixiix ,, bahkan gw ga bsa mendefinisikannya ,,, . I just smile ,,, and my tears just drop down ,,, . Do you remember that i told before ?? Bahwa Tuhan akhr2 ini menyelesaykan masalah2 guwe ??? ,,, . Iyah, ini salah […]

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this path ,,,

  . I already walking in this path ,, quite long ,,, with gentle ,, with brave ,,, with honesty ,,, with good thought ,,, .

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malming ,,,

. little thing change ,,, . i ,,, if my self ,, i try to avoid live music at coffee walk puri ,,, beside ,, i dont enjoy one any more ,,, hehehehheh ,,, . Keknya ,, introvert gw makin makin dah ,,, kwkwkwkwk ,, . so ,, tunayt ,, this malming ,,, here i […]

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#dadah pa bagus ,,,

. #dadah pa bagus ,,,

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