long wiken ,,


end of december ,,, get bonezh ,, and hv a long nataru’s holiday ,, what a blesses ,, !!! masya allah tabarakalluhu ,,, . beneran kudu banyak2 bersyukur yezh dari kehidupan duniyakwik inih ,,, ehhehehehhe ,, alhamdulilah ,, !!!!! ,,,

what i did with my bonezh ??? hmmhh ,, yaaa ,, after several stuffs >> yg mana inih juga dh mihil banged wat ukuran gw ,, dan alhamdulillah ya allah ,, ,, i freeze it into deposit sik ,, . Yaaa ,, ga seberapa ,, sangat ga seberapa ,, tapiii ,, gw kudu banged idup dengan minimlais mpe cicilan kelar ,, kl ga, ya bakalan abis ajah gaje gituh ,,, . alhamdulillah anyway ,,, alhamdulillah ,,

and for more counting times ,, masya allah for this life ,, a good one !! ,, . and more un counting times ,,, i dont know what it caused ,, or might it will cost ,, .

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