Promosi ,,,


O iyaaa ,, gw belom cerita ttg promosi gw jadi M yezh ,,, . Well ,, around last 2-3 weeks ago ,,, after office hour ,,, bozh putih called me ,,, and share his plan to promote me to become M ,,, . He said ,,, ย he doing by him self for sheet that HRD’s need ,,, contain of some points about my achievement and other HR positive values,,, . He added one ,,, :: this is classified ย ,,, dont tell anyone including my team ,,, . Me ?? Follow ,,, as instruction ,,, eaaaaaaa ,,,

Last week we hv kind of gladi resik lah kl orang indo blg ,, related to the intrvw ,,, attended bozh putih and allo bozh ,,, . They were prepare some questions that potential to be asked ,,, . Some advices and inputs comes from them ,,, . You know the funny things advice from bozh putih ??? ,,, after he said :: hafi tidak tinggi ,,, kecil ,,, jadi harus berpakayan formal dan terlihat ,, TUWAK ,,, . Kebayang kan muke gw kek ape saat itu ??? ,, dalam otak :: kurang tuwak apaaaa idup guweee ,,, wkwkkwkwkkw ,,, . Mesti guwe mention number of this year ?? kwkwkkwkwkkw ,,, . Hadjee ,,, . close to the intervw day ,, i just think ,, mungkin maksut nya :: guwe harus terlihat wibawa ,,, bijaksana ,, kwkwkkw ,,, . Secaraa muke gw tengil banged kan ,,, suka ketawak ketiwik ,, #mangkanya duduknya di pindahin ke deket doi ,,, wkkwkwkkw ,,, #kadang suka ga abis pikir ma bagian ini ,,, . Mangkanya bozh putihh ,, jangan galak2 jadi orang ,, jangan baper ,,, nikmatin idup ,, jadi bisa ketawak ketiwik bahagiya ,,, xiixixixixi ,,,

In the other side ,,, information about the promotiom spread up ,,, xiixixixixi ,,, . Few Head depts gave some greetings and also give supporting words for me ,,, . Even ,,, they gave and share their experiences while the intervw ย without me asking ,,, . Sure, some bad voices and jealousy also show up togather with the rumours ,,, . From me side ,,, this is the point i can see the real character of my around ,,,

and then ,, yesterday ,,, held the intervw day ,,, . Ya so so lah yezh ,,, it so seem ,,, official things ,,, xixiixixix ,,, . Pake di tanyain :: manager idola anda sypa ??? ,,, . Buseeedd ,,, wkkwkwkwkkw ,,, . Jawablah :: Nishida ,, . Abis guwe di ketawain orang jepang nya ,,, asi-1 ketawa ampe ngakak banged ,,, mungkin kalo dy bisa koprol ,,, koprol di tekape tuh ,,, wkkwkwkkwkw ,,, . Inni mah ,,, lulus kagag, malu iyezh ,, se umur idup lagi ,,,

Me ??? ,,, its nothing to loose ,,, thing ,, . Not that excited ,,, Truelly ,,, i just follow the Lord will ,,, . I just work the best that i can do ,,, . Let the rest ,,, ya rest lah ,,, xixixiixiix ,,, . and ssst ,,, my head “think” something bad about future ,,, but ,,

how it could be bad ,, while its planed by the Lord ,,, ?? ,,, ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ย  ,,, karenaaa ,, tidak ada yang kebetulan di duniya ini ,,, ๐Ÿ™‚


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