WFH ,,,


start to minimize attend at sunter haO ,,, . IT gave a supporting infrastructure ,,, NB, modem, mouse,, casan NB ( ya ea laah ,, wkkwkwkw ) ,, to get work from home ,,, .

cam orang bener yak guwe ,, wkkwkwkwk

well ,, eventhough still can not access olap due to security matter ,, ya so so lah yezh ,,, . Di jalanin ajeee ,,, tuh bonezh nya dah banyak ,,, kwkwkwkkwwk ,,, .

Hmmphh ,, lucky me ,,, not that ambitious on work ,,,, as long as i can do ,,, ya do ,,, wkkwkwkwkkw ,, . Sing penting aLLah swt ridho ,,, kerjak dan penghasilannya berkah ,, ituh yg pentingnya ,,

so as long as wfh ,, still work as usual ,, get rest also on 11 am ,,, ahhahahah ,,, . Yesterday ?? due to not hv appropriate infrastructure ,, yaaa pas wfh ,, ya ngayap ,, kwkwkwkwkw ,, ke hypermart doank sih ,, xiixixixi ,,,

jangan lupak bersyukur ,,,
keep fokezh ma allah swt ,,,
amiinn ,, 🙂

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