still stay ,,


actually ,,, its still litbit worried about transfer out ,,, . Tetiba ajah ,, hari ini ,, keinged ,, plan annual kumpeni yang di sampaykan ai-1 sebelum doi cabzh ,, kalo ga salah inged yak ,, ada tentang ,, ^tallent manager^ ,,, . Iyezh ,, ituh tentang transfer out ,,, .

duuhh ,,, dan worried lagi deh ,,, . apalah2 duluw gw said like that waktu trening CDP yak ,,, . Tapiiii ,, kalo di lihat lebih atas lagi ,,, ya emang ituh yg di bilang taqdir ,, ituh dah jalannya ,, . Mahu bijimana lagi ,,, .

Still ,, gw masih berhaarap ,, program ituh ada ,, karenaa ,, yaa ,, its a big chance for youngest ,,, to get another experience ,,, .

#not for me ,,
#experiece gw next is nikah ,, sakinah mawadah warahmah ,, amiinn ,, 🙂

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