geda ,,,


actually ,,, i already litbit suspicious to my gain weight that fast ,,, . Its not make sense ,,, 10 Kg for 10 months ,, ??? ,,, hehehhehe ,, . Iyah, gw makan banyak ,, but not that much ,,, sungguh deh ,,, . Di banding sebelumnya ,, palingan kenaikan makan gw cuman 20 – 30% ,, #loh ??? banyak yak ,, ???? ,, wkkwkwkwkkwk ,, .

But i dont care ,, wkkwkwkwk ,, . This is like an achievement ,, i like to see my geda in the mirror ,, sexy ,, semok ,, lebih sih ,, bodo amad ,, kwkwkwkwk ,, .

Letoy ?? better than yesterday ,,, . But still kok ,, . Maybe its increase 50% ,,, mayan kan yezh ,, alhamdulillah ,, .

then ,, still i think its all about “it” ,,, . Kind of another symptoms ,,, hipotiroid ?? ,,, xixixiixix ,, . Hmmhh ,, i dont care ,, . I just want to enjoy this life ,, my life ,,, . Udah ,, itu ajah ,, se simple ituh ,,

insya allah ,, amiinn ,, 🙂

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