knowing ,,


yup ,,, i knew ,, when i facing my face to the duniyawik ,,, my faith geting lower ,, . Maybe most of people not like that ,, but for me ?? it is ,, ahhahahhaha ,, . and somehow ,,, it can not be balancing with worship ,, i mean ,, its not enough ,, . You must close that door ,,, . masya allah ,,,

so ,,, since my needs is close to aLLah swt ,, i will close that door ,, even i dont hv any choice ,,, wkkwkwkwk ,,, . Its ,,, tersixa ,,, been there ,,, hehehhehe ,,, .

ahh ,, i just a person ,, so weak ,, that try day by day ,, to get ridho allah swt ,, tobe safe in akhirat ,, as much as i could ,,, amiinn ,, 🙂 . 23 years remaining gaeeezzh ,,, kekekkekek ,,


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