people ,,


people ,, will always be act like them self ,, most of ,,, prejudice ,,, but ummmhh ,, its their matter ,, for sure ,,, .

Me ,,, just do what i have to do ,, . The rest are ,, about me and my Lord ,,, . Bagaymana gw belajar menata hati ,, gimana guwe belajar ikhlas ,, gimana gw belajar sabar ,,, gimana gw belajar mengerti tentang manusiyak dan kehidupan ,,, . Bukan sekali berhasil ,, tapi pembelajaran di banyak waktu ,,, . Mungkin kelak akan berhasil, tapi mungkin akan jatuh kembali ,,, xixiixixix ,, and thats life anyway ,,, .



me so thank full to the Lord  ,,, and Nabi Muhammad saw ,, indeeddddddd ,,, . Di nasib gw yg autis ,,, gw bingung harus mencontoh sypa dalam bersikap pada manusiyak ,,, and i learn much from nabi allah muhammad saw ,,, . Beliyaw bener2 contoh yg war bysak ,,, . alhamdulillah ,,,


cemungut ,, !!! stay on the track ,,, đŸ™‚

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