Minggoe, 23Oct2016

eaaa ,,,, get sick ,, flue and hard cough ,,, force me laying down on bed all day by yesterday ,, o my god ,,, !! ,,, . Bad headache and hard cough ,,, just make me kliengan all dayzh ,,, untung masih bisa mikir guwe ,,, hehehehhehe

but somehow ,, stay at humzh all day ,,, just makes my head thinking many things ,,, since me kid ,, till now ,,, and ,, i miss those times ,, miss those aroma ,,, miss my Mom ,,, and think how many times flies away ,,, 🙂 ,,, . SubhanaLLah ,,,

btw ,, num obat fi ?? ummhh ,, yezh of course ,,, laserin ,,, xiixixixi ,, . So lazy go to the doctor ,,, am lazy drink the drugs ,,,, 🙁 . But ,,, if till sunday night its not getting better ,, i will go to the doctor anyway ,,, ahuhuhuuhuhu ,,,

xiixiixix ,,, just get medical issue for last 2 weeks ,,, hopefully my mate geting closer ,, #loh ,,, ga nyambung yezh ,,, eaaaaaaaaaaaa ,, kwkwkwkkwkwk

Tired ,,, but i will make it ,,, insha aLLah ,,, aamiinn ,,,

i admit that i hv bad times in my pass ,,, . But ,, i want to make it right from now ,,, . Why ?? maybe ,,, at the point ,,, it is because ,,, i just too love God ,,, insha aLLah ,,, . And some how ,, its become my exam ,, ,,,, critical one ,,, . Am not saying that it will be good next ,,, but ,,, i dont know ,,, i just believe in aLLah ,,, what ever aLLah wrote down for me ,,, it will be my best destiny ,,, insha aLLah ,,, 🙂

#sakit sakit gini ,,, bikin otak guwe rada lempengan yezh ,,, eaaa ,,, wkkwkwkkwkw ,, ,.

RaiNy sunday Murning at strbx ,,, ihiiiyyy ,,, using GrabCar promo ,, sooo freeeee all day long ,,, eaaaaaaaaaaaa ,, ahhahahha ,,, . Order hot tea ,,, with grape ,,, 46K ,,, uced ,,, mehong bener yezh cyint ,,, wkwkwkkwkw ,,, . After 10min here ,,, just geting hard cough again ,,, wkkwkwkw ,,, . Need to get out for while few times ,, and cooling my cough outside ,,, xixiixixix ,,, . #padahal dah pake jaket ,,, tetep ajah batuk2 lagi yak ,,, xixiixixi ,,,,

Why i feel so happy yezh ?? Padahal masalah guwa banyak ,,, #ceritanya ,, kawen belonan jugak ,,, utang banyak ,,, pinter kagag ,,, d omelin bozh tiap hari ,,, penyakitan ,,, . But still i feel so happy ,,, alhamdulillah ,,, #apa guwa gilak yak ,,, wkkwkwkwkwkwk

O iya ,,, gw mo ceritak ,,, . Gw dah batuk semingguan lah yezh ,,, kamizh jumat tuh rasa paragh2nya ,,, . Jumat malem pas pulang kantor ,,, pas kk gw dtg bawa makanan d’cost ,,, doi blg ” makanan jah, tp seafood ” . D otak ” gw tw kalik d’cost seafood” ,, eaaaaaa ,,, .

After changing clothe ,,, gw turun lagi wat makan tuh d cost ,,, . Ada ikan,,, sapi lada item ,,, tofu egg and so on lah yezh ,,, . Mengikuti kemampuwan makan guwa ,,, gw mah makan nya dikit asal nyicip doank,,,, . Somehow itu lauk pedesnya masya aLLah !!!! . Rasa kebakar tenggorokan guwa !!!!  Uced deh ,,, ga bsa apa manusia bikin lauk yg lebih pedes lagi ???!!! Uced deh yezh ,,, ampe trauma guwe ,,, #biar lebay ceritanya ,,, xixiixixixiix


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