ZeLasa, august 30th 2016

Haayy ,,, long time no see ,,, ihihiihihihih ,,, . At strbx puri neh ,,, . Long time no go here ,,, because ,,, i already found new place to nongki2 that more cozy ,,,, eaaaaaaaa ,,, . But somehow ,,, this place ,,, is ,, ngangeni ,,, xixixixi ,,, 🙂

weeeew ,, my pinky netbuk getting broken eh ,,, ceddiiihh ,,, . 7 years ,,, ?? now i hv to replace with a new one ??? hellooww ,, ?? cedddihh ,,, #cedih harus ngeluwarin biaya lagi ,,, #loh ,,, eaaaaaaaaaaa ,,,, hehhehe ,,, .

But it seems have to buy new one ,,, . can not separate from netbukzh eh guwe ,,, eaaa ,,, . Ntar guwe nulas nulisnya gimenong kalo ga ada netbukzh ,,, . Netbukzh masuk barang penting guwa neeeh ,,, eaaaaaaaaaaa ,,,

i hv weird dream this murning ,,, and i like this dream ,, . So ,,, i think ,, i hv vacation at beach ,,, its like in the phi phi island ,,, but more beautiful ,,, . I in the high place that can see far away to the sea ,,, .

and i seee ,,, gelombang laut yang makin lama makin besar datang ,,, kek sunami gituh ,,, . Tapi gelombang itu akan pecah ama karang tinggi di depan guwe ,,,,  . xixiixixi ,,, how i describe one yezh ,,,, hehehhehe ,,, . Dan somehow ,,, itu ,,, pemandangan itu menakjubkan ,,, melihat gelombang laut yang datang ,,, dan pecah oleh karang ,,, . Dan ketika gw liat ke bawah ,,, banyak sekali ikan2 tersesat ,,, karena hempasan gelombang besar tadi ,,, . Ikannya gede2 lagi ,,, kek ikan paus gituh ,,, banyak ,,, eaaaaaaaaaaa ,,, wkwkwkwk ,,, .

xiixixix  ,,, weird one yezh ,, . And actually ,,, many “signs” come ,,, and i dont know it sign to what ,,, . I just focus ,,, with my dailies ,,, my heart ,,, my mind ,,, and i dont take too much with others ,,, if i hv to “see” more ,,, i see/looking in my dreamzh ,,, that’s all ,,, . what ever will be ya will be lah yezh ,,, .

You know what ,,, for now ,,, i cant trust others ,,, beside my mind ,,, . yes ,,, beside my  own mind ,,, . If its goes wrong ,, just let it be ,,, i do my best ,, with highest tool that God gave to me ,,, right ,,, ??? . What about heart fi ??? hehheheheh ,,, bolehno comment lah yezh ,,, eaaaaaaaaaaa ,,, ada yang baper ,,, wkkwkwkkwkw ,,,

o iyezh ,,, according to my issue that request time for pray as long as workshop periode ,,, finally, kadept changed/adjust workshop session time ,,, ,,, xiixixix ,,, . Rejeki anak jomblow lah yezh ,,, alhamdulillah so much ,,, hehehhehehe ,,,

but still ilfill with the local bozh ,,, xiixixixi ,,, . I dont know why ,,, just thats it ,,, ilfil ,,, . Still out of my mind ,,, how come he can propose pray time like that for me ?? sapa elu ngatur2 jam solat guwa ,,, di akhir waktu lagih ??? hellloohhh ,,, ???? ,,, bikin males ,,, bhaayy ,,, !!!

xixixixi ,, feel happy still till tudeyzh ,,, alhamdulillah ,,,  🙂  🙂  🙂

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