PubLic holidayzh ,,,


eaaaa ,,, it should be ,,, working day tuh like diizzhh ,,, . Weekend over ,,, come to work for one day ,, and then get holiday again ,, wkkkwkwkkw ,, #kek operator pebrik yezh ,, sip2an ,, ,,, xiixixix ,, 😛 . tudeyzh ,, is a Nyepi’s day ,, a religion activity for Hindu’s ,, so its a public hullideyyzhh ,,, horeeeeeeee ,,, .

you know what ,, beyond all of my life right now ,,, ,,,  ,,, the officials ,, the friendship ,, the families ,,, ,,, ,,, i just want have a house ,, for me ,,, . Thus ,,, i want to go to europe ,, Maybe spent my rest time there ,,, ??? ,,, 🙂 ,,, . xiixixixi ,,, its ,,, like ,,, a free tax dream yeeezzhh ,,, kwkwkwkwk ,,, . Gpp lah yezh ,,, sing penting mimpi masih halal ,, thus ga bayar pulak ,, wkkwkwkkwkw ,,, .

hidup ituuu ,,, adalah bagaymana kaw memandaangnya ,,, dan itulah hidup yang kaw jalani ,,, 🙂


MeTodayzhi think ,, summer already comes ,, its so hot out there ,, xiixixix ,,,

so whats my activity by tudeyzh ,,, :: hunting mate for sure ,, !! wkkwkwkwkkw ,,, #dah kek predator yezh ,, wkwkkwkw ,,, . Firstly ,, i want to ,,, grateful ,,, for my health lately ,, hehehhehe ,,, . am already getting fat ,,, even though the HB still not enough for donor ,,, gpp ,, cemungudh ,,, xixixixi ,,, . alhamdulillaaahh ,, 🙂 . Thus ,, what will yo do for your blessing life and time ,, fi ,, ?? ,, eaaaaaaaaa ,,, hehehhehe ,, #skakmat amat nanyak nya ,,, 😛  . an activity by tudeyzh ,, ?? nothing ,, wkkwkwkwk ,, just writing ,,, having good coffee ,,, enjoying the life ,,, eaaaaaa ,, wkkwkwkkwkw ,,,

ummhh ,, lately ,, gw lagi bener2 demen bareng mbem ,, xixiixix ,,, . happy ,, having drive with mbem ,, happy having mbem clean ,, wanggii ,, xiixixixi , happy having mbem irit bengsin ,, xiixixix ,, #makin ga jelas ,,, . Mbem dh cocok bener dah ma guwe ,,, mobil kicil yang kursi drivernya bisa di tinggiin ,, wkkwkwkkw ,, #balada orang kicil nan mungil ,,, xiixixix ,,, . Secara irit bengsin pulaaakk ,,, ahaayy ,,,, !!! ,,, . Moga awed ma hafikuw yezh mbeeemm ,,, 🙂


hmmhhhhh ,,, guwe begitu bahagiya ,,, dan semoga semuwa orang bisa berbahagiya juga ,,, aamiinn ,, 🙂 ,,,

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