Archive > 22 Juli 2017

hengOt yg ga hedon ,,,

  #hengOt with nopitiygh ,,, #central park ,,, #Zabtoe, 15072017   kenapa akuwh begitu kecil luthu dan imute ,,, xiixixixixi

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  #makan2barengajah #treat by mbak Uweeek #eperprezh MAG #Raboe, 19072017 kenapa semuwa eksprezinya ga ada yang beneeerrr ,,, ???? wkwkkwkwkwkwkwk

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kosdon ,,,

  aje gile ,,, gw mang bisa kosdon sangat dah ,,, kikikikikikikkkk ,,, Minggu iniiii ,,, full bareng mbit ,,, it spent cost for gasoline around 30K ,,, . Thus, for meal around 70K . So this week spent 100K ,,, war bysak yezh ,,, . make it math ,,, . Multiply to 4 weeks […]

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wikenzh kuwh ,,,

  iyezh ,,, this is ,, my examination ,,, my behave become so bad ,,, so bad ,,, due to one person that so tolol bin dongok ,, . What he did ??? ruin my perfectionist side ,,, its disturb me a lot !!! ,,, . beside ,, why we have to stand out for […]

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