Steykesyen at bekutar and ucunk ,,, on 24 – 27 Feb


whereas full of dramas ,, wkwkkwkwwkwk ,, . But we made it anyway ko ,,, aahahhaha ,,, alhamdulillah ,, . But njiiirr ,, this sirkel bener2 dah ,,, full of love and drama ,, ! No doubt ! ,, wkkwkwkwk ,,,

D meja ini lagiiiii ,,,, kumpul2 ,, makan2 ,, critak2 ,,, ???? . Menu nya supoorted by mb uweeee ,,, baek nya gada obat ,,, tr luuppphhhh ,, ??????
,,, almost noon,,, pesta duren ter enduuulll ,,,,
,,, lunch at tarja’s resto ,,,
afternoon ngupi syahntik di senayan ,, ada yk coffee shop di utan kek gini ,, modal autan dehhh kl k sini ,,

kami segitu drama nya loh ,,, wkkwkwkwkwk ,,, . Dari sisi gw ??? yazh ,, one of pic #hallah, very rude on words ,, and yazh ,, its not suitable from my side ,,, and its toxic relationship i think ,,, , BUT ,, she is full of love to us ,,, indeed ,, . Thus ,, one concerning is ,,, her generosity very very very teach me ,, a lesson ,, ehheheheheh ,, masya allah ,, alhamdulillah ,, .

so from my side ,, its just another type of relationship. Not all around hv tobe like i want to ,,, . This is duniyak ,, Just take it as it is ,, filtered by yourself ,, as simply as it is ,, xiixixixixi ,,, .

mari menikmati duniyakwik ini dengan penuh rasa syukur pada aLLah swt dan berbahagiyak ,,, amin amin amiinn ,, ??

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