whereas full of dramas ,, wkwkkwkwwkwk ,, . But we made it anyway ko ,,, aahahhaha ,,, alhamdulillah ,, . But njiiirr ,, this sirkel bener2 dah ,,, full of love and drama ,, ! No doubt ! ,, wkkwkwkwk ,,,
kami segitu drama nya loh ,,, wkkwkwkwkwk ,,, . Dari sisi gw ??? yazh ,, one of pic #hallah, very rude on words ,, and yazh ,, its not suitable from my side ,,, and its toxic relationship i think ,,, , BUT ,, she is full of love to us ,,, indeed ,, . Thus ,, one concerning is ,,, her generosity very very very teach me ,, a lesson ,, ehheheheheh ,, masya allah ,, alhamdulillah ,, .
so from my side ,, its just another type of relationship. Not all around hv tobe like i want to ,,, . This is duniyak ,, Just take it as it is ,, filtered by yourself ,, as simply as it is ,, xiixixixixi ,,, .
mari menikmati duniyakwik ini dengan penuh rasa syukur pada aLLah swt dan berbahagiyak ,,, amin amin amiinn ,, ??
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