memandang hidup ,,,


#edisi going 40’s

am going 40’s this july ,, and i hv “my own” as a personal ,, . My own thought my own stance ,, my own way ,, my own goal ,, ,,, . Lately ,, i just that wondering with how people viewing this life ,,, . And somehow ,, >> i just know ,, that my live driven by allah swt ( for sure yezh kaaa ,, wkkwkwkkw ) ,,, << lately ,, nemu ajah di yucub ,, beberapa post tentang intervw / conversation with some great people ,,, . How about they are see this life ,, ,,, .

Let’s start from my view point ,,
gw ,, memandang hidup ,, hiduppp ,, ya, hidup di duniyak adalah sementara, dan goal gw adalah akhirat ,, . Almost dan keknya entire doa dan harapan gw ,, adalah tentang keselamatan di akhirat kelak ,, . IYah ,, keselamatan di akhirat ,, ini yg sangat ,, ! ,, . kadang gw mikir ,, insome gw ,, come from this thought ,, this awareness akan akhirat ,, this hard thought gw ,,

those my acts ,, driven by takut sama allah swt ,, . I think this is the most sik ,, . Jadi cam ,, takut banged duluw came first ,, then baru awarness pada allah swt maha pengasih dan penyayang ,, . Hal ini pun ,,, karena memang ,, awareness ketakutan akan huru hara the life after ,,, its a real life ,,, indeedd ,, . So ,, am dealing with allah swt for all my acts ,, .

i love allah swt ,, dalam limit gw ,, dalam pengertian gw ,, dalam cara gw ,, dalam sejatinya gw ,,, sebagay hamva ,, . Thus ,, when i heard ,, i saw people mention allah swt with tulus ,, it touch my heart ,, i can feel the vibrate also ,, . Even for something that i already know its totally wrong ,, but they said :: alhamdulillah ,, :: with very very very grateful sincerity ,,, . I just take back my thought about the wrong matter on them ( but, still the wrong matter is the wrong matter ,, wkkwkwkwk ,, ) ,, . Kozh ,,, after all ,,, its their dealing with allah swt ,, .

Then, as much as i can ,, my act ,, seen/guide/driven from allah perspective ,, . IYup ,, so many grey areya in this world ,,, but !! when i facing an issue, i calculate with my ( lower ) capability from islam perspective ,, so that i can be fully responsible to allah swt next ,, . If wrong ,, i just believe ,, allah swt will guide me to the right way/path ,, . If wrong, then i believe ,, i will not get charged for something that i never intent to be wrong ,, #once again in Islam perspective ,,, .

so yezh ,, many things ,, i effort for keselamatan di akhirat ,, insya allah amiiinn ,, . Then how bout duniyak ???


di sini ,, yg gw liat yucub many great people intervw/conv ,, banyak hal ,, banyak perspective orang ,,, memandang hidup duniyak ,, . Karenaaaa ,, banyak pablik figur yg d wawancara ,, jadiii yaaaa ,,, masih cucmey laahh ,, karena banyak dari beberapa tema background ,,, . But one thing for common is :: they not make allah swt as goal ,,, . Ataw ,, mgkin ,, mereka tidak menggunakan kata yg tepat yezh ,, jadi ga ketangkep kesan ituh ,,, . Kan hati orang Sapa yg tw yezzhhh ,,,

iyezh ,, they did they do great things ,, they grateful to allah swt that big that sincere ,,, but ,, they talk about duniyawik as this duniyawik as their life ,, not akhirat ,,, . For sure its oK ,, !! . Then, its different from my perspective ,, . Then i thought ,, is me wrong ??? mana yg bener ??? mana yg salah ?? mana yg harus diperbaiki ,, ???

duniyak for meeee ,, iyah ,, pastinya karena gw datang dr keluwarga yg tidak brkekurangan nged ,, tidak kaya tpi tidak susah nged jugak ,,, . Jadiii ,, gw ga trlalu susah sama materi ,, . Bekerjak pun ,, gw ga ambisiyuzh ,, secukupnya ajah ,, yg sekali lagi gw yakin sudah di cukupkan oleh allah swt ,,, .

i hv good salary for single life and hv no burden to take ,, . So alhamdulillah i hv no issue for financial matter. I dont take loan from the bank ,, if i dont have money, then i dont buy stuff ,, . Then i dont hv a house also ,, wkkwkwkkwkwkwk ,, kozh a house is very very xpensive thing to buy as cash ,, wkkwkwkwkkw ,, . Then what i do with that money ?? pleasure my self for sure ,, wkkwkwkwkkwkw ,, . kl bisa di nikmatin ,, kenapa tidak ??? wkwkwkkwkwkw ,, . Gada tabungan jugak ,, . Yaaa ,, di nikmatin ajah ,, kekekkekekeke ,,

so how i see this world ?? it just kind of ,, city ,, transit city ,, quite long ,, kozh it takes my whole life time ,, . i dont need to take it so seriously in this duniyak ,, . I dont need to be a big person ,, to do great thing for world changing ,, i just need to act to do on allah’s coridor ,, dalam taqwa dan taat ,, . Udah ituh ajah ,, sesimple ituh pikiran gw ,, wkkwkwkkwkwk >> ya gmna mo maju yk idup gw ,, wkkwkwkwk << . Ya ,, mgkin karena gw ga brkeluwarga ,, jadi ga trlalau banyak tekanan pikiran dan tuntutan ,,, pastinya yezh ,, .

then ,, mana yg benar ?? kenapa jarang sekali ,, jaraaaaaaaanngg sekali ,, orang sepemikiran ma gw ,, then gw ga bisa brain storming ,, yg bisa bikin gw evaluate my self ,, yg bisa reminding gw untuk tetep di jalan yg bener ,, untuk another good things ,, .

I feel different in my friendship cycle ,, most of not interesting on their conversation theme ,, ( aseli ga penting di pikiran gw ,, ) ,,, . But ya ,, joining with them is just for fun ,,, balancing my life compare my hour’s life ,, .

then ya allah ,, fix me pleaseeee ,,, . Prbaiki akuwh ,, mana yg benar mana yg salah ,, lindungilah akuw dari keburukan duniyak dan akhirat ya alalh ,,, ,, amin amin amin ,,

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