me time ,,


am release tobe alone ,, . its a ,,, release something inside ,,, . Being with others ,,, its like ,,, on the stage ,, less and more ,, have to be come some one ,,, and its consume much energy ,, heheheheh ,, . But ,, in my loneliness ,,, my cushion is :: time !! ,, ahahhaha ,, if you understand what i meant ,, kekekkekekek ,,, .

idup guwe setaon ini ,,, tenang ,, bahagiyak ,, stable ,, war bysak ,, alhamdulillah ,, . Ini sepertiiiiiiiii ,,, masa tenang ,, setelah baday ,,, or maybe ,, before next baday ,, wkkwkwkwkkw ,,, . alhamdulillah for everything ,,, .

yunohwat ,, feeling2 litbit aneh loh idup gw flat gini ,, kekekkekek ,, have many idle times gini ,, kan hamva jadi mikir yak ,, di depan bakal ada cobaan apa lagi ,, hehehehe ,, . Ya gpp sih ,, banyak dikitnya gw ready kok ,, . Cobaan ,, kebahagiaan ,, sedih seneng ,, semuwa nya ,, kategori / variables isi waktu di dunya ini ,, . Insya allah gw di kuwat kan dan di mampukan untuk lulus ,,, ammiinn ,,

#still, feel aneh dengan kelowongan inih ,, hehehhehe
#bysak susah guwe tuh ,,, hehehehhehe ,,,

hamva tuh ,, xuman pengen kawen ,,, jdi irt ,, . Dah ,,, gituh ajah ,,,
insya allah ,, amiinn ,, 🙂

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