iyaaakkk ,,, after idul fitri hulideyzh ,, it seems times is just not enough for me ,,, #gaya yak ,,, wkkwkwkw ,,, . Its true ,,, ,, . Transfer knowledge from my bozh ,,, transfer knowledge to my successor (and yesterday i just knew that she is really gonna be quit ) ,,, daily jobs ,,, issues ,,, remeh temeh things ,,, hhhhh ,, i really lack of times ,,, and am tired ,,, . i already asked recruit for new employee and or internal transfer ,,, but it still under discussion maybe ,,, .
I just realize ,,
when i come into scm section at the beginning ,,, its only two members ,,, me and my bozh ,,, . It handled out ,,, but it spent my time a lot ,, . I have to work over time in daily ,,, . So i asked to my bozh ,,, to recruit another team ,,, . And the bosses were agree ,,, so we had another team ,,, ( mbak dezhri yang sekarang ).
Alhamdulillah ,,, i can work more properly even handling less then previously ,, and give the best result ,,, . It can be seen by the bosses ,,, . So ,,, i have point to get promotion ,,, .
i think ,,, i just lucky that old time ,,, or if you want to think more ,,, its already set up by the Lord ,,, indeedd ,,, .
Then now ,,, i dont want to work over ,,, . I like to work ,,, of course its something feeds my brain ,,, I do my best ,,, but its a ,,, if you know what i think ,, ahahhaah ,,, thats why miley is for ,,, wkkwkwkkw ,,, .
Well ,,, i do my best ,,, let the Lord guide me ,, into the good fate ,,, insha allah ,,, 🙂
the new bos ,,, mr him ,,, wkkwkwkwk ,,, . He is a kind person ,,, his english is not that good ,,, same lah with us ,,, wkwkwkwk ,, . But you know what in my thought ,, ?? Logistic already have enemy within last rezim ,,, wkkwkwkwk ,,, so, we will get hit back soon ,,, and it will be hit the new bozh ,,, . Too bad ,,, . I will back up him ,, maximum ,,, its my job ,, .
too many works to do ,,, semangat ,,, !!
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