Archive > 09 Januari 2021

being weird ,,

. you know what ,, without any kind of strong mind of Islam ajaaahh ,,, i already feel different compare around yezh ,, moreover if discuss about islam ,, i feel like an allien in around ,, wkkwkwkwkwk ,, tapik bener loohh ,, jika rasul saw bilang ,, islam akan asing di akhir jaman ,, […]

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2020 gMaps resume ,,

. why i love this summary of GMpas ??? summary every month that place i hd visited and how much i went out there ,, wkkwkwkwkwk ,,, here we go gaezh ,,, 18.1K Km ,, 50% of earth gmpas said ,, . In pandemic situation ,, its a great i think ,, alhamdulillah untuk semuwa […]

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