Archive > 30 Oktober 2020

10 months of 2020 !!

. its end of October ,, !! its been 10 months of 2020 ,, !!banyak ^musibah^ ,,, ^cobaan^ yg terjadi di 2020 ini ,, for me ,, even for this earth ,, for all humans ,,, hehehhehehe ,, . Koronce ,, is one of fave for sure ,, . Personally for meee ,,, gw masih […]

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Juma’t, 30.10.2020

. #long holiday ,, #day-3 ,,, aM, alhamdulillah ,, alhamdulillah sangat ,, menuhin semua kebutuhan jiwooooo ,,, wkwkkwkwk ,, . Ya allah ,, inside of me ,, full of grateful to allah swt ,,, in many spaces of my head ,,, syunggyuh ,,, ,,, . 1st untuk bisa ^me time^ ini ,, keduwa ,, untuk […]

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