Minggoe ,, 20112016


so much i want to write down ,,, xiixixi ,,, especially ,, how much i want to get married, but the right man not come up yet ,,, eaaa ,,, xiixixixixi ,,, . hopefully the Greatest ,,, deign answer my pray ,,, heheheh ,,, aamiinn ,,, 🙂

hows this wiken hafiii ,,, ??? well ,,, apo yooo ,,, . Ummmhh ,,, having additional mtg related the SCM project ,,, . Still not satisfied for this session ,,, . But i think its the risks ,,, that we have to receive because choose the vendor ,,, ehheheheh ,,, #sotoy banged yak guwa ,,, xixiixixi ,,, .

last 3 working dayzh ,,, got so exhausted ,,, .  Alhamdulillah masih bisa sehat dan bahagia ,,, 🙂


you know what ,,, i already share bout this one yezh ,, baper ,,, . in our break session with carla last week ( the consultant in this project ) ,,, we talk about break time that already happened also in the last session ,,, she said ,,, :: when i received the daily agenda at first, there is time for pray and on friday ,, its become longer ( to pray ) ,,, i think its ridiculous ,,, . xixiixixix ,,, ,,,, die kagag tau ngomong ma orang yang ngajuin tuh daily schedule ,,, mpe baper2an ma bozh ,,, wkkwkwkwkkw ,,, . Well ,, i just said sambil senyum ,,, ” its our main time to pray ,, ” . Die cuman ngangguk2 ajeee ,,, dengan muke masih ga masuk akal for her ,,, hehehhehe ,,, .

She also share ,,, how free life style she lives through ,,, . About her, and her children ,,, . bulek banged lah ,,, yang kek di tipi2 ,,, . gaya idup bebas banged ,,, . Pun doi citizen ostralie, but she growth up in england ,,, .

am not ,, in position to judge ,, not a little ,,, . But, of course ,,, my mind can not stop thinking ,,, as alwayzh ,, for my own ,,, hehehehhe ,,, . With her life style ( and bulek life style ) ,,,  i just thinking ,,, as a human :: how they through their daily life ,, without God ,, ?? . Aseli duniya banged daiLy nya ,, kek tanpa aturan ,, . gw bayanginnya ko ngeri dan ,, i think ,, its a crazy world ,,, !! ,,, .

hehehe ,, entahlah ,,, udah enak banged idup di indonesia ,,, for sure ,,, dengan budaya qt yang cukup connecting but not that tight also ,,, dengan kebebasan di negeri ini ,,, untuk beribadah ,, untuk bekerja ,,, ce dan co ,, . Not perfect ,, but ,,, am so grateful ,,, .

dan satu hal ,,, still there are few things left in my head related result talking2 with her compare our differences ,,, . But berhubung otak gw lagi sengklek ,,, jadi ga bisa mikir deh ,,, hehehhehe ,, 😀 ,, . Munkin nanti gw share lagi ,,,  🙂

another daiLies ,,, in office ,, ??? ,, ummhh ,, apo yo ,,, . Ya so so lah yezh ,,, am not following emails and news for the last three days related this mtg, am not sure whats going on ,,, hehehhe ,,, .

but ,,, they said ,,, Logistic will create new section and recruit new M ,,, . When people asked me ,,, in what purpose ,,, . I said ,,  :: wat jawabin barang kosong ke area ,, eaaa ,,, wkkwkwkkwkwk ,,, .

o iyaaa ,,, our result test for toeic already released ,,, and my score = 695 . ahahhaha ,, kekuwatan cenayang guwe worked out ,,, .

tw ga bozh putih bilang apa ??? gini ,,,

BP :: hafi ,, hafi sudah pernah ikut tes toiec sebelumnya ???
Hf :: belum ,, ini yang pertama ,,,
BP :: score hafi bagus yah ,,, hampir sama dengan saya ,,,
Hf :: #sumprit gw males banged mo komen ,,, yang bysanya orang akan bertanya :: berapa ,, ,??
Hf :: #dan akhirannya gw nanya :: ,,, berapa ,, ??
BP :: waktu saya muda ,, taun 2009 ,,, saya ikut tes toiec ,, hasilnya 730 ,,
Hf :: #kan males banged gw nanyak ,,,
Bp :: tapi sekarang saya sudah tua ,,
Hf :: #cuman senyumsenyum ajah ,,, .

Duugghh boozzh ,,, you know me so well kellezh ,,, gw ga expert dalam basa basi ,,, . Jadi feel gagal kan curcol kek gitu ma guwe ,,, wkwkwkkwkwk ,,

Gw pengen ikut nge-gym eh ,, di selfit puri inih ,,, . Tapi challenge banged !! ,,, . Sayang kan udah bayar mahal2 tapi ga kepake kan yezh ,,, . Pengeeeeennn banged olah raga sehaaaatttt ,,, tapi oh tapiiii ,,,,,,,,, sehari ga pake lemezh ajah dah kereeeennn ,,, wkkwkwkwk ,,,  .

tapi tapi tapi ,,, mungkin gw harus self trained duluw kalik yak ,,, . Jadii ,,, dengan mindset biar ga rugi di selfit, gw bakal olga sendiri duluw di rumah ,,, tiap pagi ,, kalo till end of the day ,,, gw masih fit ,, gw ikutan selfit ,,, xixiixixi ,,, . Uced deh yezh ,,, darah padang nan kosdon mengalir pasti di tiap vena inih ,, wkkwkwkkwkwkwk ,,, .

xixixixi ,,, banyak printilan yang pengen gw ceritain ,,, tapi udah ah ,,, . Nanti lagi ,,, xiixixi ,,,

tetep cemungud ,,, tetep takut dengan aLLah SWT ,,, tetap bahagia bersama taqdirNya ,, aamiinn ,,, 🙂


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One Comment on "Minggoe ,, 20112016"

  1. Bambang
    21/11/2016 at 5:11 AM Permalink

    Oooooh ntu tah 695 topic

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