s.i.L.e.N.t ,,,


,, makin banyak omongan yang keluar dari mulut ,,,
 makin terlihat rendahnya kapasitas orang tersebut ,,

,, keep silent ,,
,, keep focus ,,
,, keep watching ,,
,, and keep pretty as alwayzh ,,,

,, qt menjadi kaya dengan rahasia ,,

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3 Comments on "s.i.L.e.N.t ,,,"

  1. salman
    16/10/2012 at 10:19 PM Permalink

    Kalau makin banyak nge-spam di group kira-kira masuk kategori apa Fi? 🙂
    Yang bikin males ikut group chat itu klo di udah ada yang mulai kirim broadcast gak jelas. Apalagi cuma copas… Hadeuh….

    Mendingan ikutan group yang sepi tapi berbobot klo lagi chat. daripada group rame tapi isinya spam gak jelas… Tul gak? 😀

  2. hafi
    17/10/2012 at 7:44 AM Permalink

    ahihihihihi …
    kalo nyang entu tuh … selama isinya bener siii …. yaaa still positive thinking aje ma yg kirim broadcast … tapi mang kurang cucok seh kl mo broadcast di group kl ga sesuai ma tema group nya … xixixiixix

    thats why we have a blog ,,, can share anything as we want … isnt it ???

  3. salman
    18/10/2012 at 8:11 PM Permalink

    Yup… You’re right… Eventhough the visitor is only the blog owner…. Hehehehe

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