Archive > Desember 2022

!3 taon ????

. Milieee ,, ???? umurnya dh 13 taon ??? rilih ??? 13 taon ??? 2009 t0 2023 ,, !!! ,,, weeewwww ,,, . Alhamdulillah yezh miliieeee ,,, alhamdulillah ,,, dh nemenin hafikuw this long ,, long time bahkan ,,, 13 taon men ,, !! ,, hehehehehe ,, . Smuwa ceritak hafikuw setelah mamak meninggal yezh […]

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End Year 2022 ,,,

. Masya allah ,,, subhanallah ,, smuwa puja puji bagi ALLAH SWT ,, Tuhan semesta alam ,, yg bersemayam di Al Arsy yg agung ,,, I cant even more more more grateful for all these happiness ,, blesses ,, goodness ,, and everything in my Life ,,, . Smuwanya begitu baik ,, . Mang aq […]

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Something stoLeN my Weight ,,,

. iyaaappp ,, soooo ,, lately ,, berat gw dh under 60 terush ,, . Kadang 56, 57, kl telaten makan bisa 59 ,, tapi dh jarang nged nyentuh 60. Lemezh lagi yezh fi ?? for sure ,, !!!! wkwkkwkwkwk ,, tapi kl dh 58 ,, dh ga berasa lemezh nya sik ,,, Jadiii ,,, […]

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ResoLusi 2023

. 2022 wrapped !!! Its DONE !!ahamdulillah ,, ya allah ,, can not MORE thank full for aLLah gave to me ,, for the goodness kindness blesses ,, . 2023 ,,,Bismillah ,,,

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hasil hilink batu malang ,,

. hasil hilink batu malang ,, ?? ,,

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Persiapan SeNen ,,,

. Millieeeeeeeeeeee ,, hawyudoin ????meee ??? well ,, survive ,, ahahhahahah ,,,,,ummhh ,, yaa ,, segitu nya lah ,, selalu mohon ampun ma aLLah swt atas smuwa nya ,, selalu mohon petunjuk bisa melalui semuwa qadha dan qadr Nya ,, hanya dalam sebaik2 iman taqwa taaat dan tawaQaL pada Nya ,, .So ,,, yeah ,, […]

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prepare Vs Un Prepare

. jadiiiiiiiiiii ,,, dh lately times ,, am not prepare my self that well ,, intentionally ,, . Why ?? ,, laziness is the main reason sik ,, wkkwkwkkw ,, . But you know what ,, it just i know that ,, with or without well preparation it will be same anyhow ,, . My […]

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hmmhh ,,,,

. hmmhh ,, it feels been decade ,, ternyitiiyy ,, ru 6 taon ??? kekekekekeke ,,,, .kepincut wat bacak inih ajah di milie ,,,,dann ada secuplik ituh ,,, ttg akhirat ,,, pas gw bacak ituh ,,, in my mind ::bermohon ampun lah pada allah swt atas smuwa dosa lo ,, . Gw sibuk mmprsiapkan diri […]

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2nd week of Dec — Sabtoe, 10.Dec.2022

. Masya aLLah ,,, finally have my own “me time” ,,,and am so happy anyhow ,, for this bless ,,, pagi2 nged before 7 aM ,, tadinya mo makan buryam ,,, olga ,,, terush ber me time riya ,, . But some how when i went to buryam ,, its closed ,,, !!! wkkwkwkwkwk ,, […]

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