In this stage ,,,


kadang pernah mikir ga sik ,,, ?? kenapa gw bisa berada dalam stage inih ,, ??? . Dalam stage di mana sudah sangat tenang dengan duniyakwik ,,, . Jika tidak tenang ,, its compared with akhiradwik ,,, and hormononal of course ,, jiyakkakakkakak ,, .

its because ,,,,
karenaaaaa ,,, banyak kegagalan hidup ???
karenaaaaaaa ,,, banyak doa yg tidak terijabah, yet ???
karenaaaa ,,, banyak keinginan yg tidak tercapay ???
karena ,,, kelemahan fisik almost entire life ???
the answer are :: PASTIH !!!
wkkwkwkkwkwkkwkw ,,,

all those failures ,,, force me to understand ,,, everything already been written by the Almighty ,,, either i Like or not ,,, and i dont hv any option beside take it as my destiny ,,, . #yaaaaaaaaaaaaa emang harusnya kek gitu sik ,, but sometimes ,, its took some years or some moment to be understood.

soo ,,, ya ,, its me ,, with all my failures ,,, and my calmness.
Its just need tobe keep focus in my goal ,,,
insya allah ,, aamiinn ,,, !!

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