I cant make it ,,, hehhehehehe ,,, i lost ,,, . What i pretend in this world ??? My faith ,,, . Who is the most precious in your life ?? aLLah ,,, . So ??? ,,, . But aLLah ,,, ,,, . Why God alwayzh gave me an exam that i will fail anyway […]
Archive > Desember 2015
Migrain chronic
Di pikir2,,, setelah berobat ke dr partiban entuh ,,, sakit kepala gw dah amat sangat jarang kambuh ,,, alhamdulillah banged yah ,,, Diagnosis nya migrain kronizh ,,, yg dah gw derita since high school x yezzh ,,, dan bisa sembuh !!! Dear Lord !!! Plus kudu ngerti triger migrain gw sendiri ,, jadi bisa tolerence […]
MCU Result 2015
MCU result 2015 ,,, well ,,, few things ,,, hehehheheh . My Hb get lower ,,,, hehehhehe ,,, . Maybe related to my weight ??? wakakkakkakak ,,, . As a result ,,, i cant do blood donor ,,, ecapedeeehh ,,, . Right now ??? am still working with my weight ,,, hehehhehehe ,,, . Xixixiixi […]
2015 ,,, to 2016 ,,,
2015 ,,, what a year ,,, ,,, !! did many bad things ,,, fail on my examination ,,, just get lost in life ,,, . I did umrah this year ,,, i got my promotion also ,,, and i have embem ,,, alhamdulillah ,,, . How its feel ??? for all those happen ???? i […]
Chit chat by ,,
Me :: i just wondering ,, why peoples from my pass ,, just show up by lately dayzh ,,, am i going to die ?? Xixiixix Friends :: or maybe they will be one ,,, Me :: #in my brain ,, how come yezh ?? Its one to many ,,,, xixixiix — Friendzh :: if […]
Nilay hidup ,,,
Mungkin bgi bbrp orang ini terdengar aneh dan bodoh ,,,Tapi bagi gw ,,, menjadi SETIA ,,, menunjukan tingkat kecerdasan dan nilay hidup yang tinggi seseorang ,,, Sama halnya dengan memilih menggunakan kalimat2 baik dalam percakapan ,,, #sesimple ituh ,,,
Closing tooo my ,,, :p
Become more sensitive yezh ,, heheheheh ,,, . Hmmhh ,,, she asked me why i want to get married ??? ,,, i said ,,, i can live by my self ,, i can survive ,,, life teach me tobe one ,,, . But umhh ,,, i need him ,,, my love ,,, to complete my […]
Zenin ,,, 211215
what a weird day since ,,, yesterday ,,, ??? . I just chit chat with my old friend ,, and he is told many things about me ,,, about us ,,, in detailzh ,,, weeeww keyeeennn ,,, comparing i dont remember many things about that ,,, wkwkkwkwk . Bahkan, dy cukup amaze ma gw yang […]
Sabtu, 19Dec2015
hmmhh ,,, its already wiken again ,,, heheheh ,,, alhamdulillah yezh ,,, . even though many bad scenes in my life ,,, but its already set up by the Creator ,,, . So, what i have to worried about ??? ,,, its all about my destiny anyway ,,, hehehhehe ,,, . and that happiness feel […]