eaaaa ,,, it should be ,,, working day tuh like diizzhh ,,, . Weekend over ,,, come to work for one day ,, and then get holiday again ,, wkkkwkwkkw ,, #kek operator pebrik yezh ,, sip2an ,, ,,, xiixixix ,, 😛 . tudeyzh ,, is a Nyepi’s day ,, a religion activity for […]
Archive > Maret 2017
,,, dan Tuhan pun ,, menciptakan laki2 dahuluw ,, baru perempuwan ,,,
gw mo sharing ah ,,, Sometimes ,,, ketika melihat seorang co ,,, yang ,,, bysa ajah bahkan menuju kurang ,, . Gw bener2 perihatin ,,, . Guwe ini ,,, perempuwan dengan pemikiran original dan old school ,, whereas ,,, co ituu ,, adalah pemimpin ,, dan mereka harus menjadi seorang yang besar ,,, . […]
keabisan listing ,,, eh ??
hehehehhe ,,, done ,,, ! ,, keabisan listing eh ,,, ??? ,,, . Have to fill up with challenge one ,,, isnt it ,,, ?? hehhehehe ,,, 🙂 . Bozh putih belonn tentu kembali ke alamnya on june ,,, kondisi upizh ga enak ,,, memaksimalkan lembur ,,, cicilan banyak ,, utang banyak ,,, and […]
stock out ,,,
heehhehehe ,,, stock out of gd mood ,,, eaaaaaaaaa ,,, . with the same issues ,, same condition ,, same circumstances ,,, and am ,,, tired ,,, ihiiirrrr,,, . Maybe tomorrow ,, with the power of universe ,,, i will have some good mood again ,,, eaaaaaaaaa ,, lebay maximal ,,, wkkwkwkkwkw ,,, […]
sounds ,,,
ya ya ya ,,, they said ,, am said ,, am former from autism ,,, eaaaaaaa ,, . Till this day ,, still i dont understand ,,, why ,, sounds ,,, loud one ,,, music one ,,, very very very disturb me a lot ,,, . Like now ,,, so close to live music […]
My lessons for this week ,,, :)
this week ,,, am so ,,, happy ,,, my heart have big space to accept many things on dailies ,, xiixixixix ,,, . I dont know why ,, once again ,,, i think its because of hormone ,,, eaaaaaaaaa ,,, xixiixixix ,,, . But at the end of the week ,,, i just become […]
kejadian2 lucugh hari ini ,,,,
kejadian2 lucugh hari ini ,,,, jadi ,,, mbem ituh parkir kan di luwar rumah yezh ,,, . Tadi pas jalan ,,, gw pake sendal ,,, keluwar rumah ,, masuk mbem ,, idupin mobil ,,, terush ga lama jalan deehh ,, . Bysanya gw pasti muter balik wat keluwar komplek ,,, . Pas mo ngelewatin […]
Luv live life ,,
,,, detak jantungkuwh ,,, seirama dengan kehidupan ,,, ,,, dan kehidupan ,,, adalah tentang bagaymana qt memandangnya ,,,
Good Life ,,,
its ,,, a ,, good life ,,, having good health ,, having mbit and mbem ,, can drive with them ,,, with the good weather ,,, shining sun ,,, its really a good life ,,, . Yup ,,, still minus a family ,,, eaaaaaaaaa ,,, pagi2 dah baper ajah non ,,, wkwkkwkwkwk ,,, . […]