may i ,, share about eLGeBeTe ,,, ??? ,,,, quite ,,, articles ,, about concern to eLGeBeTe community ,,, that told ,,, this earth have no mercy to kind of them ,,, . and somehow ,,, gradually ,,, they said ,,, we are the cruel side ,, because have no mercy to this ,,, […]
Category > Words
limited coffee shop ,,, eaaaa ,,,
apezh ituuhh ,, ketika semangat kosdon merajalela ,, sudah menjatah diri pergi ke coffee shop ,, dan sudah tiba waktunya pergi ke coffee shop ,,, dengan niat ga pwasa bayar ,,, juga sekaligus berniyat beberesh rumah ,, sedari jam 6 aM dah mule kerjak beberesh ,,, kelar ,, makan dikit ,, mules mencret ,, […]
iyeaaayy ,,,
iyeeaayy ,,, iyeaaaayy ,,, seneng guweeee ,, badan dah rasa enak an ,,, ihiiyy ,,, . Malming kemaren di rumah ajaahh ,, xiixixixixixi ,, ga enak yah ,, malming di rumah tuh ,,, . After 5 dayzh had hard worked ( ceritanya hard lah kerjaknya yezh ,, percaya lah yezh ,,, xiixixi ,,, ) […]
now ,, its me ,,,
its a ,,, nice enough wiken for me ,,, 🙂 ,,, in fact ,,, its full nice ,, eaaa ,,, hehehhe ,,, alhamdulillah ,,, . And ,, after this nice wiken ,, whats next ,, ?? ehheheheh ,,, . — what i hv to share about me ? my life is just ,,, average […]
Minggoe, 27Nov2016
eaaaaa ,,, dah minggu ajaahh ,,, kurang dah ah wikennya ,,, xiixixixiix ,,, . Senen pengen ga masuuuppp ,,, tapiiii takut di bantay ma bozh putih ,, secara lagi ada project ,,, #padahal kan projectnya maju mundur cantik ,,, so ,, gw ga apa donk kalo cutiy nya juga mendadak syahntik ,,, wkwkkwkwkw ,, >> […]
Minggoe, 16102016
sunny monday MorNing ,,, i like this day ,,, this view ,,, this life ,, ehehheheheh ,,, . Problems ??? ,, it just another things in dailies ,,, eaaaaa ,,,, #pret amad speak guwa yak ,,, wkkwkwkkwkwk ,,, — hadjeee ,,,, belon kawen2 jugaaaaaaaaaa ,,, . Once ,, Mr BerNard ,, our english teacher ,, […]
Sunday ,,, Oct 9th 2016
hmmhh ,, nice life ,, alhamdulillah ,,, . Hapiness and sadness ,, good mood and bad mood ,,, good things and apezh things ,,, it just about how your hormone comes to it ,,, . Understanding this to your self ,, and others ,,, 🙂 — i 1000% thought ,,, that ,,, there is nothing […]
RelatioNship ,,,
#inspired by movie ,,, Soo ,,, ceritanya ,,, si cewek ,,, abis putus dari co nya ,, jadi angkat kaki dari rumah ,,, dan itu broken her heart deeply ,,, . si cewe pergi ke tempat temannya ,,, just standing there ,,, and somehow ,,, temennya bergegas untuk ,,, memeluknya ,,, tanpa tau apa yang […]