Killing time ,,,

— 4:30 pM ,, killing time waiting for tebengan —

* waiting at breaking room * Hmmhh ,, breaking room ,,, reminding me for the sequel of breaking down ,,, when its gonna be show on cineplex at indonesia ??? ,,, di thinking2 ,,, ko ya sequel nya mirip2 ma nama ruangan di ni upizh yak ,,, . Twillight is equal with toillet ,,, then ,,, breaking down is equal with breaking room ,,, xixixixixixixixi

*seeing to the street through the window on breaking room* Haiiizhhh ,,, through for more than 2 years of stupidity in here ,,, . Will this is gonna be ended ??? Sometimes have no power to end it ,,, . Sepertinya saya butuh kekhilafan untuk mengakhirinya ,,, xixixixixxixi :p

*having chitchat with mr. Heru* finally i knew why i ate just a little ,,, its because am not found the delicious one !!! Kepengenan beda ma keenakan (dalam hal makanan) … 😉

Hmmh ,,, my moods were good for tudeyzh ,,, . Not disturb for annoying things ,,, thanks God ,,, xixixiixxixiix ,,, .

Well i make a plan while lunch time ,,, here ,,, in my head ,,, . Yup, maybe its too late ,,, but its oke lah ,,, hope still having time to do that ,,, 🙂

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