its ,,, a ,, good life ,,, having good health ,, having mbit and mbem ,, can drive with them ,,, with the good weather ,,, shining sun ,,, its really a good life ,,, . Yup ,,, still minus a family ,,, eaaaaaaaaa ,,, pagi2 dah baper ajah non ,,, wkwkkwkwkwk ,,, . considering last week ,, i just can laying down on my bed ,,, so ,, am so happy this wiken ,,, xixiixixix ,,, . Many things ,, done ,, !! yeeeaaayy ,,, . So grateful with those ,, right ,, ??? ,,, alhamdulillah ,,, 🙂
ummhh ,,, what i want to share yeeezzzhh ,, ,,, . this week ,,, i just feel so ,,, vicious ,,, ahahhahah ,,, . am serious ,,, . I mean ,, like this ,, :: in my side ,,, i hv big tolerance to around ,,, and if am tired ,, i just said ,, tired ,,, with those condition ,,, . But this week ,, am suck with that condition ,,, . How come ,, people can do bad things to their around ,, with out feeling guilty ,,, . Are they lost their mind ,,, ??? . Its seems ,, my tolerance is getting thin ,, xiixixixixi ,, .
am sick with those ,,, basa basi busuk ,,, !!! ,, better i knew and facing the worst condition rather than hv to pretend that i like them ,,, . the point is ,,, better facing the real one ,, rather than “delay” the real one condition ,,, . Just be good ,,, for our self ,,, and around ,,, . Its hard thing to do i think ,,, .
Maybe ,, this is because ,, i just tired also with my condition ,,, . Lelah dengan mikir ngatur2 kekuwatan guwe sehariannya ,,, . Sihat sedikit ,, langsung betingkah guwe ,, wkkwkwkkw ,,, . Segini ajah ,,, gw sangat berusaha tidak nyusain orang ,,, kenapa orang, gampang banged nyusain orang yak ,, ??? ,,, . Eh, tapi ga tw beberapa waktu lagi ,, kalik gw akan bener2 nyusain orang ,,, yang mungkin bangun dari tempat tidur ajah bakal butuh bantuan orang ,,, ??? xiixixix ,,, who knows yezh ,,, . iygh ,, amid2 yezh ,,, . Ampe listing doa guwe nambah ,,, kalo mang dah waktunya ,, bermohon sangat pada Tuhan, agar ga nyusain orang2 ,, aamiinn ,, ya aLLah ,, 🙂 ,,,
hmmpphh ,,, mayan lah ,, curcol ngeluwarin uneg2 ,, ngelepasin beban pikir ,,, xiixixix ,,, . Semoga ,, semuwa bahagiya selalu ,, with all conditions that we have ,,, 🙂 ,,, aamiinn ,,, . Pls forgive me yyezzhh ,,, 🙂
last night ,, all night ,, i had a dream about my Mom ,, death ,, #lah pan emak guwa mang dah menninggal yakk ,, hehehhehe ,, 😀 ,,, . So tudeyzh ,, in the early murning ,, i visited her and others been there ,, praying to gather ,,, 🙂 ,,,
my Mom ,, maybe she was not a perfect mother ,,, but ,, she is everything in my life ,,, . I mean ,, really everything ,,, . Doi ,, mengenalkan guwe pada aLLah swt ,,, sejak dini ,,, dengan cukup baik ,,, . Yes of course ,, its not got impact directly and fast time ,, but ,, am so glad and grateful for all of those ,,, masya aLLah ,, .
Hidup yang guwe jalani after beliyaw meninggal ,,, cukup kelam ,,, . Some times ,,, gw pun berfikir ,, jika emak guwa masih ada ,,, gw tentu ga akan ngalamin hal buruk itu semuwa ,, definitely ,,, . ada juga pikiran guwe yang bilang,,, kalo “bekel” dari emak gw ,, that good ,, gw ga akan mengalami hal kelam tersebut ,,, . ,,, Hmmhh ,,, Semuwa itu di tunjang dengan hormon masa muda guwe yang begitu liar dan menggebu ,, ingin merasakan semuwa kenikmatan duniya ,,, .
and in this point ,, in this phase ,, in this stage ,,, i just want to grateful with all of this ,,, . Still having time to grateful, to beg a mercy ,, to pray for her ,, to enjoy the rest time that i have ,, . What else that the best could be happen in my life ,,, beside those things ??? ,,, what else ,, ????
once again ,,, this is ,, a good life ,,, alhamdulillah ,,, 🙂
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