My lessons for this week ,,, :)


this week ,,, am so ,,, happy ,,, my heart have big space to accept many things on dailies ,, xiixixixix ,,, . I dont know why ,, once again ,,, i think its because of hormone ,,, eaaaaaaaaa ,,, xixiixixix ,,, . But at the end of the week ,,, i just become so suntuGzh ,, wkwkkwkwkw ,,, . Bosan ,, bosan and bosan ,,, ixixixixixi ,, .

But ,, i have several lessons of life this week ,, #mungkin karena otak gw lagi agag bener ,, jadi bisa mikir ,, xiixixxi ,,,

its ,,, there are ,,, people could be classified to something ,,, . Bad and good ,,, they are there ,,, hehehhehe ,,, . its a ,, condition ,, that we have to face one ,,, 🙂 ,, . I just wondering ,,, what criteria that they classified me ??? ,,, xixiixixix ,,, . I think ,,, me from their side ,, some one that not cheerful ,, not that fun to get chit chat ,,, have no big action ,,, weird one ,,, a follower ,,, xixiixixixi ,,, and others thing of me ,,, 😛 ,,, . Hopefully they are get patient with all of me ,,, 🙂 ,,,


karma guwe ,, dateng nya cepet ,,, . Terutama ketika guwe begitu sombong ,,, . Tuhan memperlihatkan ke guwe ,,, betapa gw ga bole sombong ,,, – even for a little thing ,,, even for a little thing ,,, – dengan memperlihatkan opposite nya tanpa membuwat guwe malu pada yang lain ,,, . Yah ,,, alhamdulillah yezh ,,, 🙂 . Guwe bisa belajar kehidupan ,,, dalam diam ,, 🙂 ,,,


tgif_seafoodayuLast friday ,, having gathering with friends ,, got dinner at seafood ayu ,,, . And around 11-12 pM ,,, i got ,,, spew ,, . I thinks its all i ate ,,, get throw away ,,, ahhahahah ,,, . Bikin lemezh duniya akherat ,, untung abisannya teddoorr ,, wkkwkwkwkkw ,,, . #indonesia banged yezh ,, untungnya banyak ,,, wkkwkwkwk ,,,

And if am not wrong ,,, this is the second time i got spew after eat seafood ,,, . I dont know ,, what kind of sea food that i can not eat anymore now ,, oooorr ,, it just not hygienic food ajah ,,, . You know lah yezh ,, how sensitive this stomach to un-hygienic food ,,, eaaaaaaa ,,, xixiixixix ,,, . Next ,, i think ,, i will pass if there is invitation to have eat there ,,, hehehehhe ,, 😀

ujung jari2 tangan guwe sakit iygh sekarang ,,, . Bysanya ,, sakit kek gini ,, kalo kuku nya panjang ,,, tapi ini ga panjang ,, . gw ampe potongin lagi ,, tapi tetep ajah sakit ,,, . bahkan ,, ngetik kibord ajah berasa sakit ,,, . Untungnya datang dan pergi ,,, jadi ga terlalu ganggu ,,, xiixixix ,,, .

yang sering sakit sekarang ituh ,,, belakang dengkul kiri guwe ,, . guwe pikir karena keseringan injek kopling ,,, tapi pas seminggu nek motor ,, tetep ajah sakit ,,, xixiixixix ,,, .

aahh aman lah yezh ,, selama masih bisa bergerak dengan aman ,,, its fine ,,, ahhahahah ,,, aamiinn ,,, 🙂

Mobil ituh mang barang mewah yezh ,,,
Banyak biaya besar yg mengikuti ,, kek pajak service toll bensin ,,, aksesoris,, eaaaaa ,,,
Kalo beli tp jarang2 d pake jugak, sama ajah markirin mobil d garase rumah tp berbayar (pajak tahunanny)
Depend life style jugak sih, tp keknya min income 10jt baru bisa matching dah ,,

#bukan berarti q menyesal bersama muwh mbem ,,, eaaaaaa ,,, . Toh sekarang juga lebih demen bareng mbem ,,, karena leeebiihh ,,, save ,,, ga banyak kena angin ,,, eaaaaaaaaa ,, . Tapi kalo lagi lemezh ,,, baru deh bareng mbit ,,, xiixixixixi ,,, amaann amaaannn ,, amaaannn ,,, 🙂 . Enaknya bareng mbem ,,, selain ga keujanan yezh ,,, bisa bawa barang banyak ,,, wkkwkwkwk


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