Ramadhan comes closer ,,, allahu akbar ,,, masya allah ,,, . Am not notice bout the date first ,, but i notice the moon ,,, . Last week is full moon ,, so, it half month to Ramadhan ,,, i think, xiixixixixi ,,, . And am so grateful ,, very very grateful ,,, my […]
Tag Archive > #happiness
why its so important ???
hanya ingin lebih kuwat ,,, agar bisa jalani hari2 guwe ,,, . Hari2 yang seperti apah ??? ,,, hari hari yang guwe harapkan ternyata adalah hari ,, yg guwe harus banyak bersabar dengan sekitar ,,, yang guwe harus berkutat dengan kehidupan keduniyawikan ini ,,, yang itu sangat menguras banyak kekuwatan jiwa raga duniya akherat […]
Promosi ,,,
O iyaaa ,, gw belom cerita ttg promosi gw jadi M yezh ,,, . Well ,, around last 2-3 weeks ago ,,, after office hour ,,, bozh putih called me ,,, and share his plan to promote me to become M ,,, . He said ,,, he doing by him self for sheet that […]
Minggoe, 07052017
So many things that i want to share till yesterday ,,, but ,,, somehow in this murning ,, suddenly ,, have no passion to do one ,, hehehheheh ,,, . Yah ,, mungkin emang karena guwe basicnya kalem ,,, #loh ,, wkkwkwkkw ,, . Watching tv on mute mode, listening the music ,, having […]
May Day 2017
almost one week and more ,,, after sedut debu ,, after fill up e-toll ,,, tetiba males bareng mbem ,, kikikikikkikikikk ,,, . Last week ,, full with mbit ,, hehheheheh ,,, . Finally ,, mbem di bungkus duluw ,, secara dah musim panas juga ,,, ga bakal sering2 keujanan ,, hehehhehe ,,, . […]
sombong ,,
am not sure ,, whereas this topic already discuss previously or not ,, xiixixix ,,, . It just i want to share ,, about my Karma ,,, #selain lom kawen2 juga mpe hari gini yeeezzhh ,,, xiixixixix ,,, Karma guwe yang paling cepet datengnya ituh adalah ketika guwe sombong ,, . Cepet sekali baliknya […]
uwwoooww ,,, blood donor ,,
uwwoooww ,,, finally ,,, had blood donor by yesterday ,, Minggoe, apriL 30th 2017 ,,, with HB = 12,9 ,,, blood pressure = 110/80 ,,, weight = 50 Kg. Finally ,, dear Lord ,,, alhamdulillah ,,, ahhahahha ,, . Its soooooo happy ,,, xiixixix ,,, . Bisa donor di sanah,,, rasanya bergabung dengan sekumpulan […]
It happend ,,,
#edisi insome ,,, My hair growth much more ,, my weight rise up to 50 Kg ,,, its such as miracles that i hv ,,, trully ,,, 🙂 ,,, . Even though ,,, still many times of weakness ,,, still less of HB ,,, still much of bruises ,, still hv red face ,,, […]
LoNg WikeNzh ,,,, 4th wk of apriL
Minggoe ,,, weeeeww ,,, long wikenzh from saturday till monday due to ,,, isra’ Mi’raj hulideyzh ,,, xixiixixi ,, . Just taking rest this wikenzh ,,, after long trip last week ,, hehehhehe ,,, aka no budget for another trip also for hedonz ,, wwkwkkwkwkwkkw ,,, . but you know what ,,, am so […]