Minggoe ,,,
weeeeww ,,, long wikenzh from saturday till monday due to ,,, isra’ Mi’raj hulideyzh ,,, xixiixixi ,, . Just taking rest this wikenzh ,,, after long trip last week ,, hehehhehe ,,, aka no budget for another trip also for hedonz ,, wwkwkkwkwkwkkw ,,, .
but you know what ,,, am so grateful had great time for holideyzh when i was young ,, indeed ,,, indeeeedddd ,,, . So ,, now ,, when my body is not strong enough ,, i can spent my money to have a house and a car ,,, . alhamdulillah yezh ,,, 🙂 ,,, . You can see ,, its all about God’s stories ,,, right ,,, ?? God already set up ,,, what the best for us ,, 🙂 ,,, . No doubt and no worry about this life ,, #should be ,,, eaaaaaaa ,,, xiixixixi ,,, . Masya aLLah ,,,
New number for salary already comes up ,,, horeey ,, alhamdulillah for everything ,, even though i think its not significant rise ,, eaaaaaaa ,,, ahhahahah ,,, . But am serious ,,, xiixixix ,, so its still need to have over time more and more ,, eaaaaaaaaaaaa ,, kwkwkkwkwkkw ,,, 🙂 ,,, . once again ,, alhamdulillah for everything yeezzhhh ,,, 🙂
and ,, now ,, addict to onlen shop ,, ekkekekekkeke ,,, . kepake ?? ya somes of ,, wkkwkwkkwkw ,,, . #edisi juga sedang menahan diri dari jajan2 ga penting ,,, xiixixixxi ,,,
idiihh ,, pengen nikaaahh ,,, ahhahahhaha ,,, xiixixixix ,,, xixiixixixi ,,, ehehhehehe ,,, #loh #ga jelazh ,,, kekekkekekekkkk ,,,
ZeNen ,,,
#bahkan ,, ketika ,, semuwa hidup gw ,, adalah tentang semangat ,, 🙂
how wonderful this murning ,,, and am so happy ,,, Yezh ,,, without particular reason as usually ,,, alhamdulillah ,,, . I do really like sun shine in the murning ,,, feel it the warm ,,, so bless ,,, 🙂 ,,, . Pun yezzh ,, dari pagi dah ke toilet 2 kaliiiii ,, gegara ,, entahlah ,, masuk angin kalik yak ,, kek keram ,,, terush makan jajanan pasar ,, bukan makin baek ,, tambah mules iyeee ,,, ahuhuuhuhuh ,,, . Ni perut sensitive amaaadd ,,, di mana2 ,, yang sensitive tuh hatii ,, bukan peruuuttt ,, helooohhh ,,, ??%^@*%^@(!)%**%@ ,, >> Kata perutnya :: lo ga liat guwe laagi keram ?? masih juga lo masukin tuh jajanan ga bener ???? ,,, mau gwe bikin kosong beneran nih perut ??? hellloohhh ,,, ^$!+@%%@ ,,, wkkwkwkwkwk ,,, #imaginasi kelebihan ,,,
iyeeaayy ,, senengnya leboorr ,,, . eh tapi besok mule tuh project lagi ,,, with Ms Carla the consultant ,, eaaaaaaaaaaa ,,, . Hhhhh ,,, ituh project ,, dari peserta mpe consultant nya dah pada males ,, Mr Ashok malah rawat inap ,, wkwkkwkwk ,,, tekanan bathin apah mo kerjak project di Aji ,,, wkkwwkwkwk ,,, #kiding
Bozh putih ??? like i said ,, dah sangat keliatan ga concernanya ,,, . Gw ??? mayaaaannnn ,,, ada moduzh wat lembur ,,, wkkwkwkwkkw ,,, . Dari pada di rumah ,,, ga ada kerjaan ,, mending di kantor ,, dapet duwit ,, xiixixixix ,,, 😛
hadjjee ,,, kapan nikah nya inihh ,, xiixixixi ,, 😛
— pict of this wikeNzh ,,, 🙂 —
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