Ramadhan come closer ,,,


Ramadhan comes closer ,,, allahu akbar ,,, masya allah ,,, . Am not notice bout the date first ,, but i notice the moon ,,, . Last week is full moon ,, so, it half month to Ramadhan ,,, i think, xiixixixixi ,,, . And am so grateful ,, very very grateful ,,,  my health just getting so well closer to this the Ramadhan ,,,


Many plans ,,, cross over in my  mind ,,, one of them ,,, of course Tahajud ,,, . Tahajud on 11 months beside Ramadhan ,,, ???? is zero ,,, eaaaaaaa ,,, . But now, next ,, it will be my list priority ,,, insha allah ,,, . Tahajud ,,, xixixixi ,,, there is times ,, that Tahajud is for asks ,, many things for our life ,,, . But now ,,, its just ,, want to grateful for every things in my life ,,, . I think ,,, is almost for all my sholat ,,, ,, insha allah ,,, .


am so happy with this Ramadhan ,,, really i doooo ,,, 🙂 🙂 🙂 ,, happy Ramadhan every one ,,, 🙂


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