May Day 2017


mbembungkusalmost one week and more ,,, after sedut debu ,, after fill up e-toll ,,, tetiba males bareng mbem ,, kikikikikkikikikk ,,, . Last week ,, full with mbit ,, hehheheheh ,,, . Finally ,, mbem di bungkus duluw ,, secara dah musim panas juga ,,, ga bakal sering2 keujanan ,, hehehhehe ,,, . Another aim is ,, kosdon for sure ,,, wkkwkwkkwkw ,,, . Kosdon from financial side, strength side ,,, time side ,,, banyak kan yezh ,,, xiixixixix ,,, . #and dont forget to maximize over time yezh fii ,,, kikikikikikkikikkk ,, ketawa jaaiL ,,, 😛

this day is May day ,,, lebooooorrr ,,, hehehehehhe ,,, also become another long wikenzh ,,, xixixixi ,, . Go no where this long wikeNzh ,, xiixixixixi  ,,, . Ahhh, sudah liwat masa2 ituh ,,,  spent times with jalan2 hedon, or hang outh mihiLzh ,,, xiixixixi ,,, . Its time to saving for a house ,,, at pondok indah area ,, eaaaaaa ,,, wkkwkwkkwkw ,,, #lebay ,,, eh amin dinkzh ,,, xiixixixi ,,, 😛 ,,, . So ,, it just ,, filled up my wikenzh ,, with something useful ,,, alhamdulillah its done ,,, 🙂

you know what ,,, in my age 36 y/o ,,, #eaaa di sebut lagi dah tuh angka ,,, wkwkwkkw ,,, once again ,,, :: duniya akan tetap seperti ini ,,, full of mess up ,,, dont you think the same with me ??? ,,, . I dont know how and why ,,, but most of this world contains of “chaos” ,,, and little side contain of happiness and peace ,,, . Peace and happiness ,, its all  about how you see the world ,, agree tak ,, ???? ,,, ixixiixix ,,, . Its not mention you to blend up with the chaos ,, . Unlucky things will makes us hurt and harm ,,, but, its magical of time will heal one ,, be patient ,, .  Keep focus with our own goal ,,, the Lord should be one ,,, 🙂 ,,, insha aLLah ,, ,,,


so enjoy the worLd dear ,,,  🙂


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