Eaaaa ,, ketemu lageeeee ,,, xiixixixix ,, 😛
mbem ,, JuMad kemaren masuk bengkel ,, wat isnsurance claim ,,, . Jadi depannya tuh baret agag dalem ,,, kalo ga salah inged seh ,,, gegara gw nubruk motor gegara bengong pas di bandung ,,, eaaaaaaaaa ,,, xixixiiix ,,, . Plus ,,, ganti kaca depan ,, karena retak sedikiiiitttt gegara kena batu pas di tol ,,, . Kata orang2 seh ,,, yang kaca ini penting wat di ganti ,, karena bisa menajalar gituh pecahnya nanti ,,, ixiixxi ,,, . Baru sehari yezh ,,, dah kangen ajah ma mbem ,,, eaaaaaaaaaaa ,,, wkwkwkkwkwk ,, .
next week ituuuu ,, dah mule project scm it system ,,, called IBP ,,, . Somehow ,,, gw totally not put concern to this project ,,, bener2 ga tertarik ,, #guwa juga bingung kenapah ,,, . Maybe its because ,, of course ,, there is less proportion in SCM section ,,, and more on Allocation section ,,, . And ,,, i dont know ,,, i feel ,, staffs are just ,,, like an official on this project ,,, . All of those whole project already figure out by the Jepunzh ,,, . So ,,, we are just operator to this new system ,,, .
Anyway ,,, i just put concern tooooo ,,, hopefuly i can get focus during the workshop ,,, . You know kan yezzh ,,, how much i hard to be focus ,,, . Pake bahasa Indonesia ajah pikiran gw bisa ngayal kemana2 ,,, apa kabar dengerin orang ngomong pake bahasa inggris ,,, . Hikzh ,,, . Dear my head ,, please be cooperate yezh ,, 😛 ,,, eaaaaaaaa ,,, . Malesh di maki2 depan orang2 lagi ,, apa lagi gegara ke-gep lagi bengong ,, eaaaaaa ,,,
So so lah yezh ,,, sing penting lemburan aman ,,, mbem kebayar ,,, 3 tahun lageee ,,, eaaaaaaaaaaa ,,, wkwkkwkwkw ,,, . jadi pengen ganti warna mbem jadi kuning ,,,or orange ,,, xixiixixix ,,, lucu x yezh ,,, 😛 ,,,
i think ,, i talk too much last week ,,, . So ,,, i will more be quite next ,,,, 🙂
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