ZeNen ,,, 080816

this night ,,, i just eat and at the same time ??? watching the tv ,,, already so looonng not doing this ,,, xxiixix ,, . At home, i dont like eat at bed room ,,, eat at dining room ,,, . hehehhe ,,, . well ,,, am enjoying one ,,, ,, . And i saw ,,, a commercial break ,,, with slogan :: Life is race ,,, ,,, . hehehhehe ,,, for me ,, today ,,,

,,, Life is grateful ,,,

iyezh ,,, alhamdulillah sangat for tudeyzh ,,, . After my “period” ,, i just ,, ” on the track again ” ,,, . I can feel so happy ,,, so grateful ,,, so calm down ,,, πŸ™‚ ,,, .Β  The main point is ,,, am grateful for can be thankful ,,, for every single thing in my life ,,, . What a blessΒ  life ,, isnt it ,, ?? πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ ,, . Hopefully ,, everyone out there ,,, can feel the same ,,, grateful to aLLah swt ,,, πŸ™‚

and hey ,,,Β  i had shaum for tudeyzh ,,, and am ok ,,, alhamdulillah ,,,Β  xixiixixixi ,, .

Today ,,, one of my friend ,,, senior one ,,, said ” habis badan kamu, fi ,,, ” ,,, xiixixix ,, iyezh pak ,,, . tapi ini dah naek 2 kilo ko ,,, dah 47-48 lagi ,,, entah timbangannya yang rusak or semesta hanya ingin membuwat gw bahagia ,,, xixiixixi πŸ™‚ ,,, . Am gonna be ok kok ,,, ,,, as alwayzh ,,, πŸ™‚

xixixixi ,,, for me ,,, its nothing different any more ,,, hehehheeh πŸ™‚ ,,, it just life anyway ,,, right ,,, ??? . Semoga ,,, bisa sehat sampe akhir ,,, tidak menyusahkan orang2 ,,, aamiinn ,, πŸ™‚

btw ,,, masa mbem di katain odong2 ,,, cediihh ,,, . gegara orang2 besar masuk mbem ,,, jadi mbem berasa kecil banged dah ,,, ahuhuhuhuhuhu ,,, . Yang sabar yh mbem ,,, mereka hanya tidak mengenalmuwh better ,,, heheheheh ,, πŸ™‚

and so traffic jam by this night ,,, . its took 2 hours from sunter to kembangan ,,, . He to the Looohh ,,, helloohh ,,, ?? wakkakakkakak ,,, . Untung mbem irit yezh ,,, xxiixiixix ,, , πŸ™‚

and ,,, the last ,,, i ate at the end of the day ,,, . Because ,,, somehow ,,, get eat ,,, just make so weak ,,, . So ,,, i do that on the end of the day ,,, thus, i just get rest then ,,, xixixiixixi ,,, .

actually ,,, i still don get it ,, why get eat makes me that weak yezhΒ  ,,, ??? . Hmmhh ,,, xixiixix ,,, maybe i will find the answer next ,,, πŸ™‚

now ,,, its time to bed ,,, , Night aLL ,,, . May happiness upon of you ,, πŸ™‚

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