,,, ketika ,, mata ini ,,, bisa melihat banyak haL ,,,
di pikir2 ,,, gw dah jarang sharing any thought in my miley yezh ,, xixiixix ,,, . I dont know why ,,, it just ,,, i think ,,, the key of life ,,, :: Esa kan Tuhan aLLah SWT ,, Takutlah padaNya ,, Dia tidak ingin di bantah ,, patuhi Dia ,,, berfikirlah dari sisi Tuhan aLLah swt ,,, i mean ,, jika ingin bertindak ,, berfikirlah ,, apakah ini benar menurut aLLah swt ,,, .
and all of that ,, will be so hard ko applied in our dailies ,,, . With all of duniyawi things ,, with your mind,, hormone ,,, and lust ,,, its will be so hard and more often forgotten ,,, . But in this case ,,, i think the answer to solve one is ,, keep read Qur’an daiLy ,,, it works ,,, . Dengan meyakini quran itu adalah bahasa iLLahi ,, and read everyday ,, so we learn everyday from the God ,,, to be tight connected to the God ,,, tobe safe ,, to covering your mind and do dailies ,,, ,,
thats it ,, . Hidup ini akan kembali padaNya ,, Kuncinya ya itu ,, ga kemana mana dan ga di mana2 ,,, .
weeeww ,,, its sundayyy ,,, . Alhamdulillah ,, for everything ,, including ,, for increasing bill ,, jiakakakkakak ,,, #happy can laugh loudly ,,, xxiixixiix ,, 😛 ,,, .
You know what ,, because of my body is just get skinny day by day ,,, and somehow ,, when i use my existing clothes ,, its just like i wearing a jacket ,, aka rasa kegedan bingiidd ,,, ,,, xiixixix ,,, . It seems need to change M to S ,,, eaaaaaaaa ,,, and its applies for all my trousers ,,, aahhahhaha ,, .
eh ,, ??? its sound another bill fi ,, ??? xixiixixix ,,, . wkwkkwkwkw ,,, and it sound that am not effort yet ,, hehehhehe ,,, 😀 ,,, . So ,, for get it ,, xiiixiixi ,,, aman lah yezh ,,, 🙂
hey ,, am off from coffee ,,, for the last three dayzh ,, horeee ,, i can make it ,, ihiiiyy ,, . Friday, Saturday and now ,, sunday ,,, not consume coffee ,,, . Cool isnt it ,, ?? xiixixi prikitiiww ,,, 🙂 .
I just treat my body ajah seeh ,,, . Coffee somehow make me stronger ,, but it will makes me so weak at the end of the day ,,, . I think ,, i have to reduce one ,, . xixiixixixi ,,, . Dolow i have eager to reduce one because of my gaster disorder ,,, and now ?? because of my strength ,,, xixiixixixi ,,, ..
later ,, if already strong enough ,, consume coffee lageeee ,,, ehehheheheh 🙂
i want to more silent next ,,, heheheh ,, just reminding my self ,,, makllum ,, suka khilaf ,,, xixiixixixixi ,,,
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