you know ,,, i rare remember bout my dreamzh ,,, but when i remember one ,,, it will happen mostly ,,, . And i told many times ,, i “see” things in my dreamzh ,,, 🙂 ,,, . So far i dont care at aLL ,,, .When it comes happens ,, i just said ,,, oh i hv dream before bout this one ,, . xixiixixix ,,, 🙂 ,,, .
But now ,,, when i see things in my dreamzh ,,, i said to my self ,,, :: well ,,, at least ,, i will live till that time ,,, 🙂 ,,, . Fair enough ,,, right ,,, ??? xixiixixix ,,, .
#Idup udah susah ,,, jangan di buwat lebih susah ,,, hehehhehe ,,
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