why yezh ,, in this phase ,, in this ages ,,, i dont have that interest to traveling ,,, i dont know why ,,, ixiixixi ,,, . When my friends ask me to traveling some where ,,, it is need to be a great place to come ,,, hehhehe ,,, if not ?? better […]
Tag Archive > #happiness
ZeNeN,, 12122016
waaaww ,,, shiny sunday murNingzh ,,, alhamdulillah ,,, 🙂 ,,, . Its been 2 dayzh ,,, having great weather in the murning ,,, cloudy but shiny ,, #bingung kan lo ,,, wkwkkwkwkw ,,, jadi rasa di bali gitu loohh ,,, ahhahahhah ,,, . its long wikenzh ,,, with tight schedules ,, and alhamdulillah still have […]
absurd ,,,
35 years live ,,, have enough times to see ,,, people ,,, have good sholat ,, i’tikaf ,,, but can be so brutal when get anger ,,, . People ,,, hv good sholat ,,, but have not tendency to aLLah swt ,,, . People ,,, not cover her body with syariah one ,,, but have […]
Minggoe, 27Nov2016
eaaaaa ,,, dah minggu ajaahh ,,, kurang dah ah wikennya ,,, xiixixixiix ,,, . Senen pengen ga masuuuppp ,,, tapiiii takut di bantay ma bozh putih ,, secara lagi ada project ,,, #padahal kan projectnya maju mundur cantik ,,, so ,, gw ga apa donk kalo cutiy nya juga mendadak syahntik ,,, wkwkkwkwkw ,, >> […]
otak kuuwwh ,,,,
me ,,, and him ( let say him ,,, ahahhahahahah ,,, ) ,,, its like 2 individuals ,,, . we have our own ,,, kwkwkwkkwkw ,,, . Might be ,,, this is psychopath symptom ,, wkkwkwkwkwk ,,, . some times ,, he just ,,, has his own business to think ,,, xixixiixix ,,, , […]
Minggoe ,, 20112016
so much i want to write down ,,, xiixixi ,,, especially ,, how much i want to get married, but the right man not come up yet ,,, eaaa ,,, xiixixixixi ,,, . hopefully the Greatest ,,, deign answer my pray ,,, heheheh ,,, aamiinn ,,, 🙂 — hows this wiken hafiii ,,, ??? […]