Minggoe, 27Nov2016

eaaaaa ,,, dah minggu ajaahh ,,, kurang dah ah wikennya ,,, xiixixixiix ,,, . Senen pengen ga masuuuppp ,,, tapiiii takut di bantay ma bozh putih ,, secara lagi ada project ,,, #padahal kan projectnya maju mundur cantik ,,, so ,, gw ga apa donk kalo cutiy nya juga mendadak syahntik ,,, wkwkkwkwkw ,, >> yang ada, berakhir di labuan bajo ,,, wkwkwkkwkw ,,, .

whats going on ??? am so struggle this wiken ,,, for my strength ,,, ahhahahha ,,, . Some times want to cry for this condition ,,, but ah, its still cover with this tinny body ,,, ahahhaha ,,, . This tinny body sooo ,,, cool ,, resistant ,, tahan banting ,,, xixiixix ,,,, . and crying ,,, is a hormone ,, . its natural ,,, 🙂 ,,, . Cemungud hafi ,,, 🙂 xixiixix ,,, .

sekira2nya ,,, kalo next week ,, gw donor darah ,,, whats will be happen yezh ??? ,,, . Next week is my schedule to blood donor again niihhh ,,, . last time ,, nyaris collaps ,,, . hmmhh ,,, but i have to ,,, . sekali lagi ,,, cemungud hafiiii ,,, xiixixixixi ,,, 🙂

whats going on this wikenzh yezh ,,, ummhh ,,, preparing master data for prototype SCM it system ,,, . But at the end of work dayzh ,, aka Friday afternoon ,,, bozh putih said ,,, its still un clear schedule for prototype ,,, . Serah lah yezh ,,, wwkkwkwkwkkwkwk ,,, from beginning this project mang dah un clear kok ,, eaaa ,,, wkkwkwkwkk ,,, . sing penting mah gw ada modus wat lembur ,, cicilan mbem aman dah ,,, ahhahaha ,,, .

belom lagi team projectnya yang ,,, wkkwkwkwk ,,, so so lah yezh ,,, . Iki yg project leader nya sopooo ,,, ko yo malah nanyak2 nya ma guwa ,,, ?? kan harusnya yang lebih ngerti doi pan yezh ,,, ?? doi yg kuncennya ,,, . jadi ,,, kalo gw ga ngerti ,,, gw dan team lainnya nanyak ma doi ,,, . Belom lagi c carla the consultant ,, penting banged ngomong / explain ke gw ,,, biar gw ngerti ,,, sampe doi pas ngomong ,,, kudu liat wajah gw yg kealingan mbak shinta ,,, untuk memastikan gw denger dan ngerti ,,, she said :: ” excuse me ,, i hv to see hafi face  ,,, ” ,,, padahal kan di situ ada pimpro ma lidpro ,,, eaaaaaaaaa ,,, . Secara guweeeee ,, duuuhh ,,, amad susah focus ,,, . Atooo ,,, mungkin ,,, mereka tw yah wajah bengong gw yang ga ngerti apa pun ,,, ihiiiiiikzh ,,, ceddiihhh ,,, . Ya maap sih ,,, if i need more times to understand about this world ,,, ahhuhuuhuh ,,,, .

>> but katanya sih ,,, when we see something ,, hear something ,,,  its come in to our brain ,,, . So those data ,,, already in your head ,,, . Yaaa ,,, bijimana ngolah dan ngout put in nya ajah kalik yak ,,, ehehhehehehe ,,,  <<

and this wikenzh ,, just ,, that “drop” from my “inside” ,,, hehehhehe ,,, . but hey !! i paid this wiken ,,, xixiixixi ,,, even this is not about those technicals ,,, ehheheeheh ,,, . Yup ,,, its hard ko ,, having mind like me ,,, hehhehehe ,,, . I think ,, this is the 1st time ,,, my mind “rebel” ,, for whole this year ,,, . >> iygh ,, !! berani banged tuh otak gw rebel ,,, berani banged !! sumpeh !! ,,, . I wish i can kill him if he do it again ,,, . Sorry bro ,, tak akan terulang lagi ,,, xixiixixiix ,, aamiinn ,,, 🙂 <<

#apa sih ,,, xixiixixixi ,,,

weeell ,,, whats next ,, ??? kaweeeeenn ,,, . Moga aLLah mahu memberikankuwh ,,, pendamping yang baik ,,, hatinya ,,, #juga dompetnya #loh ,,, yang akan menggenggam tangan ini ,,, menuju padaNya ,, bersama2 ,,, aamiinn ,,, 🙂

qt akan bertemu aLLah kelak ,,, berbahagialah akan hal itu ,,, dont we ,, ???



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