absurd ,,,

35 years live ,,, have enough times to see ,,,

  1. people ,,, have good sholat ,, i’tikaf ,,, but can be so brutal when get anger ,,, .
  2. People ,,, hv good sholat ,,, but have not tendency to aLLah swt ,,, .
  3. People ,,, not cover her body with syariah one ,,, but have tendency to aLLah swt ,,, .
  4. People ,, have good sholat ,, shaum ,,, even tahajud ,,, can hurt others that much ,,, .
  5. People ,, have very bad attitude for her self ,,, but good at shaum ,,,
  6. People ,,, have good education ,, but bad on attitude ,,,
  7. People ,, have not good sholat and have bad attitude ,,, #itu guuuwweee ,,, 🙁
  8. and so on ,,,

you know ,,, we are loose in A but good in B or C ,,, . We good in A, but loose in F or Z ,, . And so on ,,, . So many ,, many ,, and many ,,, diversity ,, between us ,,, . and you know ,,, no one can judge each others ,,, cant we ,, ?? .

Everything back to our heart ,,, and aLLah will count that ,,, . aLLah maha mengetahui ,,, yang nyata dan yang tersembunyi ,,, . Jadi peliharalah hati ,,, karena ,,, ah entah lah ,, so many many many ,,, absurd in this world ,,, .

Once again ,,, Dengan semuwa kemajemukan qt ,,  kepadaNya lah qt akan dihimpunkan kelak ,, karena ini bukan tentang aq, qm ,,, ataw duniya ,,, semuwa ini adalah tentang Nya ,,, . Mari pelihara hati ,, hanya untuk mencari ridho aLLah swt ,,, . Semoga niat dari hati ini lah ,, yang akan menyelamatkan qt kelak di akhirat ,,, . Bukan pemikiran cerdas qt ,, dan teknikal strategis qt ,,, 🙂

#aq berlindung kepada aLLah swt dari syetan yang terkutuk ,,, dari kesombongan diri akan duniya ,,, #pointing my self ,, indeed ,,,


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