hulideyzh ,,, through for coupLe dayzh ,,, bikin gw rasa santri ,, #kek yang pernah masuk pesantren ajeeee ,, kwkwkkwkkwkwkkwkw ,,, . Bisa ibadah dengan tenang dan lengkap ,,, bisa silaturahmi dengan hangat ,, ga terlalu capek ,,, ga mikirin kerjaan ,, ga mikirin “keajaiban” manusiyak yang bikin penyakit hati ,,, kekkekekekkkekkekkk ,,, i […]
Tag Archive > #happiness
Night of SyawaL 1st ,,
Night of SyawaL 1st ,, ,,, gema takbir terdengar di mana mana ,, nama aLLah dikumandangkan di mana mana ,,, masya allah ,,, . alhamdulillah ,, bisa menjalankan ramadhan tahun ini ,,, bisa lebih sihat dalam menjalankannya ,,, bisa full sholatnya ,,, once again ,, alhamdulillah ,,, . can not imagine i can reach […]
just a thought ,,,
iya yah ,,, qt tuh ,,, menjadi “tajam” ,,, “indah” ,, “bijiksini” ,,, dengan “exercises” ,, baca :: cobaan hidup ,, indeeeddd ,,, . When you in your comfort zome ,, you will not find a challenge that make you great ,,, . well ,, even your life is good ,, make your own […]
a little thought ,,,
my friends :: hafii ,, jangan sering minum kupi ,, effectnya ,,, a to z ,,, (kurLeb kek gitu lah yezh) ,,, and i just thought ,,, this life is so short ,,, it should be enjoyed and fill up with useful things ,, and its from my side for sure ,,, ahahhahahhaha ,, […]
rendah hati ,,,
many times ,, i said ,, am so boring with my daily jobzh ,, but ,,, its just my ,,, lust ,,, . Many things ,,, in our dept ,, need to be ,,, made up ,,, eaaaa ,,, . Why i hv to escape for those situwations ,,, ?? eaaa ,,, xiixixixi ,, […]
hiruk pikuk ,,,
hiruk pikuk ,,, around promotion announcement ,,, and i dont like it ,,, hehehhe ,,, . Sure ,,, am grateful to the Lord for this promotion ,,, to my white bozh ,,, that already gave me this trust ,,, but some how ,, inside of me ,,, i feel gaveĀ nothing to others ,,, […]
WikeN Letoy ,,,
WikeN ,, Letoy ,,, eaaaaaaaaaa ,,, Kan guwe dah bilang yakk ,, karma guwe kalo sombong tuh cepet baliknya ,,, kwkwkwkkwkw ,,, . Setelah gegap gempita last week dengan fit nya badan guwe ,,, finally for the last 3 dayzh ,, nge drop ,,, wkkwkwkkwkwk ,, koplak ,, koplakkk ,,, Mungkin jugaaaa ,,, lemezh […]