hiruk pikuk ,,, around promotion announcement ,,, and i dont like it ,,, hehehhe ,,, . Sure ,,, am grateful to the Lord for this promotion ,,, to my white bozh ,,, that already gave me this trust ,,, but some how ,, inside of me ,,, i feel gave nothing to others ,,, . in other side ,,, while others just can get promotion easily ,,, its makes me more ,,, ilfil ,,, xixixixiix ,,, . Yezh ,,, from my side ,, i can do my job properly ,,, but while our teamzh have many issues ,,, i think ,, its a promotion that cant be enjoyed ,,, .
Nothing so serious bout this promotion ,,, it just ,,, “rejeki” for each person ajah ,,, even for me ,,, because Nothing KPI value in this field ,, . Well ,, alhamdulillah for eveything ,,, semoga selalu bisa bermanfaat wat sekitar ,,, aamiinn ,,, 🙂
want to share a little bit about my experience in aji ,,, ( got notice while bozh putih gave me the promotion paper ) ,,, xixiixix ,,, . 11 years ,,, 3 yearzh in IT dept ,,, get to Logistic DC Section for 1 year ,,, and back to Logistic HO allocation section ,,, . Having less job at first ,,, asked to head dept twice for any additional job ,,, but he ignored one ,,, xiixixixi ,,, . Then bozh putih became Logistic head dept ,,, .
am not a “show up person” ,, Setoyama san, my first xpat bozh ,,, already told me ,,, xxiixixi ,,, he said ,,, am not aggressive person ( mean ambitious one ) ,, . Njut ,,, maybe around 6 months after bozh putih become head dept ,,, when my appraisal ,,, he said ,, kurleb “hafi pintar ,, punya potensi besar ,,, akan pindah ke SCM section ” ( untuk membenahi SCM kala ituh ) ,,, .
xixiixiix ,, its very very very hard situation at first ,,, indeed ,,, . Less transfer knowledge ( just one day if you want to know ,, ) ,,, less direction ,,, interest and personal conflict between my bozhezh ,,, xixiixixixi ,,, . Kalo di pikir2 ,,, mo jadi apalah SCM saat ituh ,,, kalo mo ancur, ancur deh tuh SCM ,,, .
and finally ,,, SCM geting better ,,, . Sure ,, am happy ,,, when bozh putih had said ” saya bersama hafi ,, memperbaiki PSI ,, ( our main JOb ) ” . You know what ,, Higuci san told the same thing to bozh putih ,, . Yup ,, am happy ,,, because ,,, something mess down become efficiency ,, and good one ,, . #pun effectnya ,, gw ga pernah mtg bareng higuci lagii ,, huikzh ,,, 😀 ,,, . Bozh putih gave no word about promotion to me ,,, . But 2 years ago ,,, i hv promotion to ST-5 ,,, and after 2 years ,,, have promotion to M1 ,,, .
Yah ,,, despite many bad words about bozh putih ,, even from me abut his manner ,, he doing a lot for me ,,, for sure ,,, . Dan di pikir2 yezh ,,, promosi setap ke manager ituuuhh ,,, macam yang di “bawa” setipe ma yang “ngebawa” ,, iyah ga sih ?? ,,, entahlah ,, gw cuman punya pikiran seperti ituh ,,, . Eh !!!! Bukan berarti gw setipe manner nya ma doi yeeezzzhh ,,, setipe efisiensi nya sih iya ,,, #keknya ,,, xixiixixi ,,, .
Nah ,, whats next ,,, ??? ,,, 🙂 ,,,
#kopi ini sungguh enak ,,,
#balada jarang ngupi selama ramadhan ,,, wkkwkwkwk
Like i said many times ,,, it just so suntug with my daiLy jobzh ,,, sangat sangat sangat suntuuggg jendraaaLLLL ,,, and i think its hard to get internal transfer ,,, . So ,,, enjoy ajah lah yezh ,, what can i do more ,,, ??? ,,, hehheheheh ,,, . Semoga bisa menata otak dan hati ,,, dengan semuwa kenyamanan yang dipaksakan inih ,,, xiixixixixi ,,,
sometimes ,,, when my friend ,,, have very bad words to others about he/she capability ,,, i said to my self ,,, kalo gw yang ngomong kek gitu ,,, semanalah Tuhan akan menghukum guwe dalam karma ,, jadi hina dina banged keknya guwe ,,, .
Yupzh ,,, mungkin ini blind spot ,,, yang mana pada dasarnya guwe juga sangat sombong ,,, . Some times ,, di otak guwe pun bahkan ke omong ,,, :: ituh orang otaknya di manaaa ,, ??? ,,, or bisa kerjak ga sih ???? kalo ga bisa, resign ajaaahh ,,, ga usah nyusain orang ,,, . Tapi rasa guwe ,,, sering ,, guwe ga ambil pusing dengan itu semuwa ,,, . Mereka tetap lah mereka ,,, kenapa guwe harus kebakaran jenggot ( yg mana gw ga punya jenggot jugakkk ) ,, dengan semua tentang mereka ,,, ???? ,,, xixixixiix ,,, . Faktor U banged yezh ,,, ??? ,,,, wkkwkwkkwk ,,,
hhh ,,, semoga semuwa qt bisa menjadi pribadi yang baik yezh ,, di mata Tuhan tentu ,,, hehehhe ,, aaminn ,, 🙂
mari menikmati waktu kawan ,,, 🙂
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