many times ,, i said ,, am so boring with my daily jobzh ,, but ,,, its just my ,,, lust ,,, . Many things ,,, in our dept ,, need to be ,,, made up ,,, eaaaa ,,, . Why i hv to escape for those situwations ,,, ?? eaaa ,,, xiixixixi ,, . Yup ,,, am not saying ,,, it would be good ,, but i think ,, many things can be done in Logistic dept ,,, . Not just think from my side only ,,, right ,, ??? ,, eaaaaaaaa ,,, . #kek orang bener ajah dah guwaaa ,,, wkkwkwkkwkw ,,,
thus ,, this evening ,,, one of our colleagues ,,, asked ::
colleagues :: hafi ,,, ke depannya mahu ke sini ga ???
hafi :: emang kenapa pak ???
colleagues :: ya kalo hafi ke sini ,, saya pulang ,,
hafi :: eaaaa ,,, ga betah ya pak ,,, xixixiix ,,,
#terush gw jadi gamang lagi ,,, wkkwkwkwkwk ,,,
Made it ,, !!! 13 dayzh as long of Ramadhan ,,, without ,,, any medical issue ,,, uwwoowww ,,, what a cool hafi and her body ,,, eaaaaaaaaa ,,, alhamdulillah ,,, ihiiiyy ,,, .
Dan dah kenak polak Ramadhan ,,, hehehhe ,, . I think ,,, alomost entire this week ,, i havnt ate properly ,,, not ate rice ,,, . didnt got sahur ,,, had breakfast lontong and 2 snacks ,,, then not ate anything more ,,, repeatedly ,,, . ampon dah yezh ,,, . Loose 2 Kg for last 2 weeks ,,, xiixixixi ,,, . Maybe my body not that weak ,, because not consume coffee daily ,,, xiixixix ,,, .
Well ,, alhamdulillah for everything lah yezh ,,, ๐ ๐ ,, moga kuwat mpe akhir ,,, aammiinn ,,, ๐
Lastย night ,,, i had situation ,, vision ,,, a dream ,,, am on a place that so cold ,, the place seems almost on gray colour ,,, so quiet ,,, alone ,,, and scared ,,, . Then i close my eye ,,, i choose not to see those ,,, ๐ ,,, . xixiixix ,,, after ,,, my dream about sakratul maut ,,, i think its the second terrify vision that i had seen ,,, .
well ,,, for some one like me ,,, yeah ,,, its feel and real ,,, close ,,, hehehhehe ,,, #if you know what i mean ,, . Takut sih takut ,,, banged malah ,,, banged !! ,,, tapi ,,, do i hv a choice ,,, ?? no am not ,,, . some times i face it with braveย ,, some times i deny ,, some times i dont care ,,, but its still ,,, scrolling in my daily life ,, with out knowing ,, when it will be stop ,,, . Sure ,,, those happen to every one ,,, ๐ ,,, .
am not in the good mood ,,, i need musics ,,, ixixixix ,,, ๐
ah lemah ,, gw sangat tau apa artinya lemah itu ,,, . Ketika lo kerap kali menghadapi situwasi ,,, ga bisa merasakan badan lo ,,, begitu lemah untuk makan ,, begitu lemah untuk bernafas ,, begitu lemah untuk meneggakkan badan ,,, jika selanjutnya lo teparย ,,, mana kesombongan yang selama ini ada ??? tidak akan membantu sama sekali ,,,
tetaplah rendah hati yezh fi ,,, bukan untuk apa2 ,, bukan untuk siapa2 ,,, karena ,, memang tidak ada yang perlu ditinggikan hati ,,, Qt mahluk lemah ,,, . Semoga Tuhan selalu membantu mu dalam kehidupan ini ,, dan kelak ,, aamiinn ,, ๐
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