KosdoN maksiMaL ,,,


KosdoN maksiMaL ,,, eaaaaaaaaaaa ,,, wkkwkwkwkkw ,,, . Secara yezh ,, (katanya) inkam menurun ,, lagiyan tagihan gw membludak ,, gw sering blanja onlen ,, ehhehe ,, masya aLLah ,, . untungnya gw dah tobat dari blanja onlen ga penting ini ( yakin bakal tobat fi ?? ) ,,, kalik barangnya kepake ,, numpuk di rumah bokap ,,, . kalik bakal punya rumah ,, masih jawuh dari kenyataan ,, eaaaaaaaaa ,,, .

soooo ,, i’ll do tight expenses ,,,

just for the important things ajah ,,, maybe for 1 year ?? after that ,, i will saving for a house ,,, . eaaaaaaaaaa ,, rasa umur panjang yezh fiii ,, semuwa duniyak di kejar ,,, kikikikikikikikk ,,, . Gpp siii ,, ngimpi ituh masih free kellezzhh ,,, wkkwkwkkwkw ,,,

what the important things ?? ,, weelllll ,,, something like ::

  • go to the office riding mbit ,,,
  • reduce buy for snacks ,,,,
  • reduce nangkring at coffee shop ,,,
  • zero for onlen shopping ,,,

udah sihh ,, ga banyak yezh ,, wkkwkwkwkwk ,,,

well ,,, hopefully ,, my financial condition getting healthy ,,,, aaminn ,, 🙂


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