This Night ,,,


,,, hmmhh ,,, happyy ,,, xixiixix ,,, can enjoy mine ,, hehehhehe ,,, war bysaaakk ,, alhamdulillah ,,, . Perkara besok adalah horor ??? ,,, xiixixi ,, somehow ,, i dont care at all ,, wkkwkwkkwkw ,, . i dont know ,,, i do my best as hafi ,,, on my job ,, and ,, ummhh ,, i think ,,, troubles and issues ,, will come in and out ,, as dailies ,,, . Team mates will alwayzh be like that ,,, white bozh will alwayzh be horor ,, wkkwkwkwk ,, .  Then ,, what so important about that ,,, ???? ,, xiixixixi ,,,

,,, lately ,, am just so disappointed with something ,,, . But ,,, next ,,, i just thinking ,, why i hv to be that emotional ,,, ??? ,, hehheheh ,,, . You know what ,, one thing that i learned about human being is ,, they alwayzh be them self ,,, . and neither do i ,,, . Couple times ago ,, i just decided ,, its not about me any more ,, now is about them ,, . But ,, why it so hard ,,, ??? ,,, . why ??? because am not be my self ,, so its become so hard for sure ,, . Now ,, is all up to me ,, what is my goal ,, ??? ,, xiixixixixi ,,, . This goal ,, is sound sooo konyol ,, xixixiix ,, . just be patient yezh fi ,, what ever God’s fate takes ,,,

beyond all of that ,, am so grateful with this life ,, with my life ,,, . Was ,, i had a dream ,, that am facing sakratul maut ,, and there are two un finished things in this world ,, . One is about my past ,, but am not remember the rest one ,,, . and i think ,, am facing that situation right now  ,,, #more and less ,,, xixiixixix ,,, .

my life is about grateful to the Lord ,,, insha aLLah ,, 🙂


— wrote down at LuMinor HoteL, Sby ,,, —


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