respect people ,,


even though ,,, many people said ,, am not that warm person ,, jail person ,, cuek person ,,, but i do try hard to respect people ,,, as much as i can ,,, . In my side ,, of course ,,, many people so ,,, weird ,,, . Am sure ,, they are have same thought about me ,,, . But am i ,,, mock on them ??? ,,, i do ,, in my head ,, wkkwkwkwkwk ,, . But ,, i try so hard ,, not came out from my mouth ,,, . #outnya via wasap ,,, wkkwkwkkwkwk

ada kalanya lelah sangat dan ga mood ngadepin orang2 sih pasti ,,, yup, just like now ,, . gilingan ,, tuh lingkungan kerjak dah kek apaan tauk ,,, xixiixixix ,,, dear Lord ,,, . Too many people dont care with their goal ,,, aka peduli amad ,,, . Guwe juga lagh ,, pastinya ,,, xixiixixix ,,, . Yang pastinya ketidakpedulian ituuuuhhh ,,, bikin sama2 susah ,, ixiixixixi ,, . Nah ,, tantangan terbessarnya adalah ,,, semuwa barisan sakit hati ,, terush piye ,, ?? xixixixi ,,,

what ever lah ,,, . Di ujung fikir guwe ,,, apa pun ituh ,,, terushlah berusaha menghormati setiap manusia ,,, karena ,,, entahlah ,,, just ,,, respect them ,,, 🙂 ,,, #boleh pengecuwalian ma manusiya2 tertentu kok ,, kalo masih bisa di bilang manusia sih ,,, xxiixixixi ,,,,

Update 150117 ::

oh iyak ,, gw mo nambahain ,, kenapa qt harus menghormati manusia lain ,,,
mahluk yg di ciptakan Tuhan itu jenis nya ga banyak :: setan jin malekat dan manusia ,,, . Kalo sesama manusia ajah dah ga bener ,, mo betemen ma sape lagii ,, etan ??? wkkwkwkwkwkw


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